TB: Ia mengembalikan daerah Israel, dari jalan masuk ke Hamat sampai ke Laut Araba sesuai dengan firman TUHAN, Allah Israel, yang telah diucapkan-Nya dengan perantaraan hamba-Nya, nabi Yunus bin Amitai dari Gat-Hefer.
AYT: Dia mengembalikan wilayah Israel, mulai dari jalan masuk Hamat sampai ke Laut Araba, sesuai dengan firman TUHAN, Allah Israel, melalui hamba-Nya, Nabi Yunus, anak Amitai, dari Gat-Hefer.
TL: Maka ia juga yang membetulkan pula perhinggaan negeri Israel, dari pada tempat yang masuk ke Hamat sampai ke Tasik yang di padang, setuju dengan firman Tuhan, Allah orang Israel, yang telah dikatakan-Nya dengan lidah Yona bin Amitai, hamba-Nya, yaitu seorang nabi dari Gat-hefir.
MILT: Dia membangun kembali perbatasan Israel, dari jalan masuk ke Hamat sampai ke laut Araba, sesuai dengan firman TUHAN (YAHWEH - 03068), Allah (Elohim - 0430) Israel, yang telah Dia katakan dengan perantaraan hamba-Nya, Nabi Yunus, anak Amitai dari Gat-Hefer.
Shellabear 2010: Dikembalikannya daerah Israil dari jalan masuk Hamat sampai ke Laut Araba, sesuai dengan firman ALLAH, Tuhan yang disembah bani Israil. Firman itu disampaikan Allah dengan perantaraan hamba-Nya, Nabi Yunus bin Amitai dari Gat-Hefer,
KS (Revisi Shellabear 2011): Dikembalikannya daerah Israil dari jalan masuk Hamat sampai ke Laut Araba, sesuai dengan firman ALLAH, Tuhan yang disembah bani Israil. Firman itu disampaikan Allah dengan perantaraan hamba-Nya, Nabi Yunus bin Amitai dari Gat-Hefer,
KSKK: Ia memulihkan perbatasan Israel dari pintu Hamas hingga ke Laut Mati, menurut firman yang telah disampaikan Yahweh, Allah Israel melalui mulut hambanya, nabi Yunus, putra Amitai dari Gethefer.
VMD: Ia merebut kembali tanah Israel, mulai dari Lebo-Hamat sampai ke Laut Araba, sesuai dengan firman TUHAN Allah Israel, yang disampaikan-Nya melalui hamba-Nya, Yunus anak Amitai, nabi dari Gat-Hefer.
TSI: Dia merebut kembali daerah perbatasan milik kerajaan Israel, mulai dari jalan yang menuju ke kota Hamat sampai ke Laut Mati. Hal ini terjadi sesuai dengan pesan TUHAN Allah Israel yang disampaikan melalui nabi-Nya, Yunus anak Amitai, dari kota Gat Hefer.
BIS: Yerobeam II inilah yang merebut kembali seluruh daerah Israel, dari jalan ke Hamat di utara sampai Laut Mati di selatan. Itu sesuai dengan janji TUHAN, Allah Israel, melalui hamba-Nya, Nabi Yunus anak Amitai orang Gat-Hefer.
TMV: Raja Yerobeam merebut semula semua wilayah yang dahulu dimiliki Israel, dari Genting Hamat di utara sampai ke Laut Mati di selatan. Demikianlah yang dijanjikan dahulu oleh TUHAN, Allah Israel, melalui hamba-Nya Nabi Yunus anak Amitai dari Gat-Hefer.
FAYH: Yerobeam (II) berhasil merebut kembali daerah Israel di antara Hamat dan Laut Araba (Laut Mati), sesuai dengan firman TUHAN, Allah Israel, yang disampaikan melalui Nabi Yunus putra Amitai dari Gat-Hefer.
ENDE: Dia itulah jang memulihkan djadjahan Israil, dari djalan masuk ke Hamat sampai ke Laut 'Araba, sesuai dengan sabda Jahwe, Allah Israil, jang telah dikatakanNja dengan perantaraan hambaNja, jakni nabi Jona bin Amitai, jang berasal dari Gat-Hefer.
Shellabear 1912: Maka dipulangkan baginda sempadan Israel dari pada tempat orang masuk ke Hamat sampai ke tasik Araba menurut seperti firman Allah Tuhan orang Israel yang telah disampaikan-Nya dengan lidah nabi Yunus bin Amitai, orang Gat-Hefer.
Leydekker Draft: 'Ija 'ini kombalikanlah tepij tanah 'awrang Jisra`ejl, deri pada kamasokan Hamat, sampej tasik duson-dusonan, menurut ferman Huwa 'Ilah 'awrang Jisra`ejl, jang telah de`utjapnja 'awleh parentah hambanja Junus 'anakh laki-laki 'Amitaj Nabij, jang deri pada DJat Hejfer 'atsalnja 'itu.
AVB: Dikembalikannya daerah Israel dari jalan masuk Hamat sampai ke Laut Araba, selaras dengan firman TUHAN, Allah Israel. Firman itu disampaikan Allah dengan perantaraan hamba-Nya, nabi Yunus anak Amitai dari Gat-Hefer,
AYT ITL: Dia <01931> mengembalikan <07725> wilayah <01366> Israel <03478>, mulai dari jalan masuk <0935> Hamat <02574> sampai <05704> ke Laut <03220> Araba <06160>, sesuai dengan firman <01697> TUHAN <03068>, Allah <0430> Israel <03478>, melalui <03027> hamba-Nya <05650>, Nabi <05030> Yunus <03124>, anak <01121> Amitai <0573>, dari Gat-Hefer <01662>. [<0853> <0834> <01696> <0834> <00>]
TB ITL: Ia <01931> mengembalikan <07725> daerah <01366> Israel <03478>, dari jalan masuk <0935> ke Hamat <02574> sampai <05704> ke Laut <03220> Araba <06160> sesuai dengan firman <01697> TUHAN <03068>, Allah <0430> Israel <03478>, yang <0834> telah diucapkan-Nya <01696> dengan perantaraan <03027> hamba-Nya <05650>, nabi <05030> Yunus <03124> bin <01121> Amitai <0573> dari Gat-Hefer <01662>. [<0834>]
TL ITL: Maka ia juga <01931> yang membetulkan <07725> pula perhinggaan <01366> negeri Israel <03478>, dari pada tempat yang masuk <0935> ke Hamat <02574> sampai <05704> ke Tasik <03220> yang di padang <06160>, setuju dengan firman <01697> Tuhan <03068>, Allah <0430> orang Israel <03478>, yang <0834> telah dikatakan-Nya <01696> dengan lidah <03027> Yona <03124> bin <01121> Amitai <0573>, hamba-Nya <05650>, yaitu seorang nabi <05030> dari <0834> Gat-hefir <01662>.
AVB ITL: Dikembalikannya <07725> daerah <01366> Israel <03478> dari jalan masuk <0935> Hamat <02574> sampai <05704> ke Laut <03220> Araba <06160>, selaras dengan firman <01697> TUHAN <03068>, Allah <0430> Israel <03478>. Firman <01696> itu disampaikan Allah dengan perantaraan <03027> hamba-Nya <05650>, nabi <05030> Yunus <03124> anak <01121> Amitai <0573> dari Gat-Hefer <01662>, [<01931> <0853> <0834> <0834> <00>]
HEBREW: <01662> rpxh <0> tgm <0834> rsa <05030> aybnh <0573> ytma <01121> Nb <03124> hnwy <05650> wdbe <03027> dyb <01696> rbd <0834> rsa <03478> larvy <0430> yhla <03068> hwhy <01697> rbdk <06160> hbreh <03220> My <05704> de <02574> tmx <0935> awblm <03478> larvy <01366> lwbg <0853> ta <07725> bysh <01931> awh (14:25)
Jawa: Panjenengane mangsulake wilayah Israel, wiwit dalan kang lumebu menyang Hamat, nganti tekan ing sagara Araba, cundhuk karo pangandikane Pangeran Yehuwah, Gusti Allahe Israel, kang wus kaparingake lumantar Nabi Yunus bin Amitai saka ing Gat-Hefer.
Jawa 1994: Daérah Israèl kabèh direbut menèh déning Yérobéam II, wiwit saka dalan menyang Hamat sisih Lor, nganti tekan Segara Mati. Kuwi cocog karo janjiné Pangéran, Allahé Israèl, lantaran Nabi Yunus bin Amitai, wong Gat-Hèfèr.
Sunda: Anjeunna meunangkeun deui sakabeh wewengkon Israil, ti kalerna mimiti ti jalan ka Hamat, ka kidulna nepi ka Laut Paeh, tinekanan sakumaha jangji PANGERAN Allah Israil anu diandikakeun ka abdi-Na, Nabi Yunus bin Amitai ti Gat Heper.
Madura: Yerobeyam II reya se arebbu’ pole sakabbinna dhaera kakobasa’anna Isra’il, dhari jalan ka Hamat e dhaja sampe’ ka Tase’ Mate e lao’. Jareya cocok ban janjina PANGERAN, Allahna Isra’il, se epanapa’ kalaban parantara’anna abdina, iya areya Nabbi Yunus pottrana Amitai oreng Gat-Hefer.
Bali: Ida ngrampas sakuub wewidangan panegara Israele ngawit saking margine ring Hamat sane baler kantos rauh ring Segara Mati sane bedelod. Indike punika sampun kajanjiang antuk Ida Sang Hyang Widi Wasa, Widin Israele, malantaran Nabi Yunus okan Dane Amitai, sane saking Gat-Heper.
Bugis: Yérobéam Maduwaénna ritu sittaiwi paimeng sininna daérana Israélié, polé ri laleng laowé ri Hamat ri manorang lettu ri Tasi Maté ri yattang. Iyaro siturui jancinna PUWANGNGE, Allataalana Israél, naolai atan-Na, Nabi Yunus ana’ Amitai tau Gat-Héfer.
Makasar: Iaminne Yerobeam II angngalle kabusuki ammotere’ sikontu daerana Israel, appakkaramula battu ri oloang mangea ri Hamat bageang wara’ sa’genna mange ri Tamparang Matea ri bageang timboro’. Anjo sikammaya situruki siagang janjinNa Batara, Allata’alana Israel, tete ri atanNa, iamintu Na’bi Yunus ana’na Amitai tu Gat-Hefer.
Toraja: Naalamo sule tu lili’na Israel, randuk dio mai batatta lako Hamat sae lako tasik dio Araba, susitu kadanNa PUANG, Kapenombanna to Israel, tu mangka Napokada nalopian taunna, nabi Yunus, anakna Amitai, to dio mai Gat-Hefer.
Karo: Italukenna mulihi kerina daerah si gelgel jadi kerajangen Israel, mulai Dalan Hamat nari i Utara terus ku Lawit Mate i Selatan. Enda me si nggo ipadanken TUHAN, Dibata kalak Israel, arah suruh-suruhenna nabi Juna anak Amittai, i Gat Heper nari.
Simalungun: Ipasuang do parbalogan ni Israel, singgan ni Hamat das hu Laut Araba, romban hu bani hata ni Jahowa, Naibata ni Israel, na dob pinarbagah-Ni hinan marhitei hun bani juakjuak-Ni si Jona, anak ni si Amitai, ai ma nabi na hun huta Gad-Hefer.
Toba: Ibana tahe pasuangkon muse angka partalpahan ni Israel, olat ni haroroan tu Hamat sahat ro di laut na di adaran, hombar tu hata ni Jahowa, Debata ni Israel, naung pinarbagana hian marhite sian naposona si Jona, anak ni si Amittai, i ma panurirang na sian huta Gat Heper.
NETBible: He restored the border of Israel from Lebo Hamath in the north to the sea of the Arabah in the south, in accordance with the word of the
NASB: He restored the border of Israel from the entrance of Hamath as far as the Sea of the Arabah, according to the word of the LORD, the God of Israel, which He spoke through His servant Jonah the son of Amittai, the prophet, who was of Gath-hepher.
HCSB: It was he who restored Israel's border from Lebo-hamath as far as the Sea of the Arabah, according to the word the LORD, the God of Israel, had spoken through His servant, the prophet Jonah son of Amittai from Gath-hepher.
LEB: He restored Israel’s boundaries from the border of Hamath to the Dead Sea as the LORD God of Israel predicted through his servant Jonah, the prophet from Gath Hepher and the son of Amittai.
NIV: He was the one who restored the boundaries of Israel from Lebo Hamath to the Sea of the Arabah, in accordance with the word of the LORD, the God of Israel, spoken through his servant Jonah son of Amittai, the prophet from Gath Hepher.
ESV: He restored the border of Israel from Lebo-hamath as far as the Sea of the Arabah, according to the word of the LORD, the God of Israel, which he spoke by his servant Jonah the son of Amittai, the prophet, who was from Gath-hepher.
NRSV: He restored the border of Israel from Lebo-hamath as far as the Sea of the Arabah, according to the word of the LORD, the God of Israel, which he spoke by his servant Jonah son of Amittai, the prophet, who was from Gath-hepher.
REB: He re-established the frontiers of Israel from Lebo-hamath to the sea of the Arabah, in fulfilment of the word of the LORD the God of Israel spoken by his servant the prophet Jonah son of Amittai, from Gath-hepher.
NKJV: He restored the territory of Israel from the entrance of Hamath to the Sea of the Arabah, according to the word of the LORD God of Israel, which He had spoken through His servant Jonah the son of Amittai, the prophet who was from Gath Hepher.
KJV: He restored the coast of Israel from the entering of Hamath unto the sea of the plain, according to the word of the LORD God of Israel, which he spake by the hand of his servant Jonah, the son of Amittai, the prophet, which [was] of Gathhepher.
AMP: Jeroboam restored Israel's border from the entrance of Hamath to the [Dead] Sea of the Arabah, according to the word of the Lord, the God of Israel, which He spoke through His servant Jonah son of Amittai, the prophet from Gath-hepher.
NLT: Jeroboam II recovered the territories of Israel between Lebo–hamath and the Dead Sea, just as the LORD, the God of Israel, had promised through Jonah son of Amittai, the prophet from Gath–hepher.
GNB: He reconquered all the territory that had belonged to Israel, from Hamath Pass in the north to the Dead Sea in the south. This was what the LORD, the God of Israel, had promised through his servant the prophet Jonah son of Amittai from Gath Hepher.
ERV: Jeroboam took back Israel’s land, which ran from the Lebo Hamath to the Arabah Sea. This happened as the LORD of Israel had told his servant Jonah son of Amittai, the prophet from Gath Hepher.
BBE: He got back the old limits of Israel from the way into Hamath to the sea of the Arabah, as the Lord had said by his servant Jonah, the son of Amittai, the prophet of Gath-hepher.
MSG: But he did restore the borders of Israel to Lebo Hamath in the far north and to the Dead Sea in the south, matching what GOD, the God of Israel, had pronounced through his servant Jonah son of Amittai, the prophet from Gath Hepher.
CEV: Jeroboam extended the boundaries of Israel from Lebo-Hamath in the north to the Dead Sea in the south, just as the LORD had promised his servant Jonah son of Amittai, who was a prophet from Gath-Hepher.
CEVUK: Jeroboam extended the boundaries of Israel from Lebo-Hamath in the north to the Dead Sea in the south, just as the Lord had promised his servant Jonah son of Amittai, who was a prophet from Gath-Hepher.
GWV: He restored Israel’s boundaries from the border of Hamath to the Dead Sea as the LORD God of Israel predicted through his servant Jonah, the prophet from Gath Hepher and the son of Amittai.
KJV: He restored <07725> (8689) the coast <01366> of Israel <03478> from the entering <0935> (8800) of Hamath <02574> unto the sea <03220> of the plain <06160>_, according to the word <01697> of the LORD <03068> God <0430> of Israel <03478>_, which he spake <01696> (8765) by the hand <03027> of his servant <05650> Jonah <03124>_, the son <01121> of Amittai <0573>_, the prophet <05030>_, which [was] of Gathhepher <01662>_.
NASB: He restored<7725> the border<1366> of Israel<3478> from the entrance<935> of Hamath<2574> as far<5704> as the Sea<3220> of the Arabah<6160>, according to the word<1697> of the LORD<3068>, the God<430> of Israel<3478>, which<834> He spoke<1696> through<3027> His servant<5650> Jonah<3124> the son<1121> of Amittai<573>, the prophet<5030>, who<834> was of Gath-hepher<1662>.
NET [draft] ITL: He <01931> restored <07725> the <0853> border <01366> of Israel <03478> from Lebo Hamath <02574> in the north to <05704> the sea <03220> of the Arabah <06160> in the south, in accordance with the word <01697> of the Lord <03068> God <0430> of Israel <03478> announced <01696> through <03027> his servant <05650> Jonah <03124> son <01121> of Amittai <0573>, the prophet <05030> from <0834> Gath Hepher <01662>.