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TB: dari pada anak-anak sulung Israel diambilnya perak itu, seribu tiga ratus enam puluh lima syikal, ditimbang menurut syikal kudus,

AYT: Dari anak sulung umat Israel, Musa mengumpulkan 1.365 syikal perak, menurut ukuran syikal kudus.

TL: Maka dari pada anak-anak sulung bani Israel diambilnya uang itu seribu tiga ratus enam puluh lima syikal yang sama dengan syikal tempat suci itu.

MILT: dari anak sulung bani Israel ia mengambil perak, seribu tiga ratus enam puluh lima shikal, yang ditimbang menurut shikal kudus;

Shellabear 2010: Jadi, dari anak-anak sulung bani Israil itu ia menerima 1.365 syikal, menurut syikal resmi Kemah Suci.

KS (Revisi Shellabear 2011): Jadi, dari anak-anak sulung bani Israil itu ia menerima 1.365 syikal, menurut syikal resmi Kemah Suci.

KSKK: Dari anak sulung orang-orang Israel ia menerima seribu tiga ratus enam puluh lima keping perak menurut patokan tempat kudus.

VMD: Ia mengumpulkan perak dari anak sulung orang Israel sebanyak 15,7 kg menurut ukuran resmi.

TSI: (3:49)

BIS: Ia mengambil 1.365 uang perak,

TMV: sebanyak 1,365 keping wang perak,

FAYH: Uang yang terkumpulkan berjumlah 1.365 syikal (15.561 gram) perak menurut syikal kudus. (Satu syikal kudus beratnya 20 gera).

ENDE: Uang itu diambilnja dari anak-anak sulung bani Israil, jakni seribu tigaratus enampuluh lima misjkal, menurut misjkal sutji.

Shellabear 1912: Maka dari pada segala anak sulung bani Israel itu diambilnya uang itu yaitu seribu tiga ratus enam puluh lima syikal tempat kudus.

Leydekker Draft: Deri pada segala sulong benij Jisra`ejl di`ambilnja pejrakh 'itu, saribu dan tiga ratus, dan 'anam puloh lima tzikhal, menurut tzikhal tampat khudus.

AVB: Jadi, daripada anak-anak sulung orang Israel itu dia menerima 1,365 syikal, menurut syikal rasmi Khemah Suci.

AYT ITL: Dari anak sulung <01060> umat <01121> Israel <03478>, Musa mengumpulkan <03947> 1.365 <02568> <08346> <07969> <03967> <0505> syikal perak <03701>, menurut ukuran syikal <08255> kudus <06944>. [<0853> <0853>]

TB ITL: dari pada anak-anak sulung <01060> Israel <03478> diambilnya <03947> perak <03701> itu, seribu <0505> tiga <07969> ratus <03967> enam puluh <08346> lima <02568> syikal, ditimbang menurut syikal <08255> kudus <06944>, [<01121>]

TL ITL: Maka dari pada anak-anak sulung <01060> bani <01121> Israel <03478> diambilnya <03947> uang <03701> itu seribu <0505> tiga <07969> ratus <03967> enam <08346> puluh lima <02568> syikal yang sama dengan syikal <08255> tempat suci <06944> itu.

AVB ITL: Jadi, daripada anak-anak sulung <01060> orang <01121> Israel <03478> itu dia menerima <03947> 1,365 <02568> <08346> <07969> <03967> <0505> syikal, menurut syikal <08255> rasmi Khemah Suci <06944>. [<0853> <0853> <03701>]

HEBREW: <06944> sdqh <08255> lqsb <0505> Plaw <03967> twam <07969> slsw <08346> Myssw <02568> hsmx <03701> Pokh <0853> ta <03947> xql <03478> larvy <01121> ynb <01060> rwkb <0853> tam (3:50)

Jawa: dhuwit iku mau kapundhut saka para pambarepe wong Israel, gunggung sewu telung atus suwidak lima sekel, miturut timbangan sekel suci.

Jawa 1994: njupuk dhuwit slaka 1.365 iji,

Sunda: anu gedena 1.365 gebleg perak,

Madura: mondhut pesse salaka saebu tello ratos sabidak lema’,

Bali: jinah perak 1.365 bidang akehipun,

Bugis: Malani 1.365 dowi péra’,

Makasar: Angngallemi 1.365 doe’ pera’,

Toraja: Naalami tu doi’ iato dio mai anak pa’bunga’na to Israel, sangsa’bu ntalluratu’ annan pulona llima sikele’, situru’ sikele’ maindan.

Karo: emaka ibuatna duit pirak, buena 1.365,

Simalungun: Humbani bunga tubuh ni halak Israel do ibuat pirak ai, saribu tolu ratus onom puluh lima sekel, marguru hubani sekel bani ianan na pansing ai.

Toba: Sian buhabaju ni halak Israel do binuatna perak i saribu tolu ratus onompulu lima sekkel, marguru tu sekkel di inganan na badia.

NETBible: From the firstborn males of the Israelites he collected the money, 1,365 shekels, according to the sanctuary shekel.

NASB: from the firstborn of the sons of Israel he took the money in terms of the shekel of the sanctuary, 1,365.

HCSB: He collected the money from the firstborn Israelites: 1,365 shekels measured by the standard sanctuary shekel.

LEB: The silver Moses collected for the firstborn Israelites weighed 34 pounds using the standard weight of the holy place.

NIV: From the firstborn of the Israelites he collected silver weighing 1,365 shekels, according to the sanctuary shekel.

ESV: From the firstborn of the people of Israel he took the money, 1,365 shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary.

NRSV: from the firstborn of the Israelites he took the money, one thousand three hundred sixty-five shekels, reckoned by the shekel of the sanctuary;

REB: The amount received was one thousand three hundred and sixty-five shekels of silver by the sacred standard.

NKJV: From the firstborn of the children of Israel he took the money, one thousand three hundred and sixty–five shekels , according to the shekel of the sanctuary.

KJV: Of the firstborn of the children of Israel took he the money; a thousand three hundred and threescore and five [shekels], after the shekel of the sanctuary:

AMP: From the firstborn of the Israelites he took the money, 1,365 shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary.

NLT: The silver collected on behalf of these firstborn sons of Israel came to about thirty–four pounds in weight.

GNB: the 1,365 pieces of silver

ERV: Moses collected the silver from the firstborn men of the Israelites. He collected 1365 shekels of silver, using the official measure.

BBE: From the first sons of Israel he took it, a thousand, three hundred and sixty-five shekels, by the scale of the holy place;

MSG: From the 273 firstborn Israelites he collected silver weighing 1,365 shekels according to the Sanctuary shekel.

CEV: and it amounted to one thousand three hundred sixty-five pieces of silver, weighed according to the official standards.

CEVUK: and it amounted to one thousand three hundred and sixty-five pieces of silver, weighed according to the official standards.

GWV: The silver Moses collected for the firstborn Israelites weighed 34 pounds using the standard weight of the holy place.

KJV: Of the firstborn <01060> of the children <01121> of Israel <03478> took <03947> (8804) he the money <03701>_; a thousand <0505> three <07969> hundred <03967> and threescore <08346> and five <02568> [shekels], after the shekel <08255> of the sanctuary <06944>_:

NASB: from the firstborn<1060> of the sons<1121> of Israel<3478> he took<3947> the money<3701> in terms of the shekel<8255> of the sanctuary<6944>, 1,365 <2568><8346><7969><3067><505>.

NET [draft] ITL: From the firstborn males <01060> of the Israelites <03478> <01121> he collected <03947> the money <03701>, 1,365 <0505> <03967> <07969> <08346> <02568> shekels <08255>, according to the sanctuary <06944> shekel.

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