TB: Tetapi berkatalah Yeremia kepada kaum orang Rekhab: "Beginilah firman TUHAN semesta alam, Allah Israel: Oleh karena kamu telah mendengarkan perintah Yonadab, bapa leluhurmu, telah berpegang pada segala perintahnya dan telah melakukan tepat seperti yang diperintahkannya kepadamu,
AYT: Kemudian, Yeremia berkata kepada kaum keluarga Rekhab, “Beginilah firman TUHAN semesta alam, Allah Israel, ‘Karena kamu mematuhi perintah Yonadab, nenek moyangmu, dan menaati semua petunjuknya dan melakukan semua yang dia perintahkan kepadamu,
TL: Maka kepada bangsa orang Rekhabi itu kata Yermia: Demikianlah firman Tuhan serwa sekalian alam, Allah orang Israel: Maka sebab kamu sudah menurut pesan Yonadab, bapamu itu, dan kamu sudah melakukan segala hukumnya dan sudah membuat segala sesuatu yang telah dipesannya kepadamu;
MILT: Dan Yeremia berkata kepada isi rumah Rekhab, beginilah TUHAN (YAHWEH - 03068) alam (Tsebaot - 06635), Allah (Elohim - 0430) Israel, berfirman, "Sebab kamu telah menaati perintah Yonadab, bapakmu, dan telah memegang semua perintahnya, serta melakukan semua sesuai dengan apa yang telah dia perintahkan kepadamu,
Shellabear 2010: Kemudian Yeremia berkata kepada kaum keturunan orang Rekhab, “Beginilah firman ALLAH, Tuhan semesta alam, Tuhan yang disembah bani Israil, ‘Karena kamu telah menaati pesan Yonadab, leluhurmu, telah memegang teguh segala amanatnya, dan telah bertindak sesuai dengan semua yang diamanatkannya kepadamu,
KS (Revisi Shellabear 2011): Kemudian Yeremia berkata kepada kaum keturunan orang Rekhab, "Beginilah firman ALLAH, Tuhan semesta alam, Tuhan yang disembah bani Israil, Karena kamu telah menaati pesan Yonadab, leluhurmu, telah memegang teguh segala amanatnya, dan telah bertindak sesuai dengan semua yang diamanatkannya kepadamu,
KSKK: Lalu Yeremia berkata kepada keluarga Rekhab, "Beginilah sabda Tuhan, Allah semesta alam dan Allah Israel: Oleh sebab kamu telah patuh kepada Yonadab ayahmu, dan telah menjalankan semua perintahnya, oleh sebab kamu telah berlaku sesuai dengan semua perintahnya,
VMD: Kemudian Yeremia berkata kepada keluarga Rekhab, “TUHAN Yang Mahakuasa, Allah orang Israel mengatakan, ‘Kamu telah mematuhi perintah Yonadab nenek moyangmu. Kamu telah mengikuti segala ajaran Yonadab. Kamu melakukan semua hal yang diperintahkannya.’
BIS: Lalu aku berkata kepada orang-orang kaum Rekhab bahwa TUHAN Yang Mahakuasa, Allah Israel, berkata begini, "Kamu telah taat kepada leluhurmu Yonadab; semua perintahnya telah kamu turuti dan jalankan.
TMV: Kemudian Aku memberitahu puak Rekhab, bahawa TUHAN Yang Maha Kuasa, Allah Israel berfirman, "Kamu telah mentaati perintah nenek moyang kamu Yonadab; kamu telah menurut dan melakukan semua perintahnya.
FAYH: Kemudian Yeremia berpaling kepada orang-orang Rekhab dan berkata, "TUHAN semesta alam, Allah Israel, berfirman bahwa karena kamu telah menaati Yonadab, bapak leluhurmu, dalam segala hal, maka dari keturunannya akan selalu ada yang melayani Aku."
ENDE: Tetapi kepada kaum Rekab berkatalah Jeremia: "Demikianlah Jahwe Balatentara 'Allah Israil' bersabda: Karena kamu menuruti perintah Jonadab dan menepati segala perintahnja dan berbuat sesuai dengan segala apa jang diperintahkannja kepada kamu,
Shellabear 1912: Maka kata Yeremia kepada orang isi rumah Rekhab itu: "Demikianlah firman Allah Tuhan segala tentara yaitu Tuhan bani Israel: Karena kamu telah menurut pesanan nenek moyangmu, Yonadab, serta menurut segala hukumnya dan telah memeliharakan akan segala yang dipesaninya kepadamu.
Leydekker Draft: 'Adapawn pada 'isij rumah 'awrang Rejkabij berkatalah Jirmeja; demikijen baferman Huwa Tuhan serwa sakalijen szalam, 'Ilah 'awrang Jisra`ejl; 'awleh karana kamu sudah dengar-dengaran 'akan pasan Jehawnadab bapamu, dan sudah memaliharakan sakalijen pasannja, dan sudah berbowat turut segala sasawatu jang telah depasannja pada kamu:
AVB: Kemudian Yeremia berkata kepada kaum Rekhab, “Beginilah firman TUHAN alam semesta, Allah Israel, ‘Kerana kamu telah mentaati pesan Yonadab, leluhurmu, telah berpegang teguh pada segala amanatnya, dan telah bertindak selaras dengan semua yang diamanatkannya kepadamu.’
AYT ITL: Kemudian, Yeremia <03414> berkata <0559> kepada kaum keluarga <01004> Rekhab <07397>, “Beginilah <03541> firman <0559> TUHAN <03068> semesta alam <06635>, Allah <0430> Israel <03478>, ‘Karena <03282> kamu mematuhi <08085> perintah <04687> Yonadab <03082>, nenek moyangmu <01>, dan menaati <08104> semua <03605> petunjuknya <04687> dan melakukan <06213> semua <03605> yang <0834> dia perintahkan <06680> kepadamu, [<0834> <05921> <0853> <0853> <00>]
TB ITL: Tetapi berkatalah <0559> Yeremia <03414> kepada kaum <01004> orang Rekhab <07397>: "Beginilah <03541> firman <0559> TUHAN <03068> semesta alam <06635>, Allah <0430> Israel <03478>: Oleh karena <0834> <03282> kamu telah mendengarkan <08085> perintah <04687> Yonadab <03082>, bapa leluhurmu <01>, telah berpegang <08104> pada segala <03605> perintahnya <04687> dan telah melakukan <06213> tepat seperti yang <0834> diperintahkannya <06680> kepadamu, [<05921> <03605>]
TL ITL: Maka kepada bangsa <01004> orang Rekhabi <07397> itu kata <0559> Yermia <03414>: Demikianlah <03541> firman <0559> Tuhan <03068> serwa sekalian alam <06635>, Allah <0430> orang Israel <03478>: Maka sebab <03282> kamu sudah <0834> menurut <08085> pesan <04687> Yonadab <03082>, bapamu <01> itu, dan kamu sudah melakukan <08104> segala <03605> hukumnya <04687> dan sudah membuat <06213> segala sesuatu <03605> yang telah <0834> dipesannya <06680> kepadamu;
AVB ITL: Kemudian Yeremia <03414> berkata <0559> kepada kaum <01004> Rekhab <07397>, “Beginilah <03541> firman <0559> TUHAN <03068> alam semesta <06635>, Allah <0430> Israel <03478>, ‘Kerana <03282> kamu telah mentaati <08085> pesan <04687> Yonadab <03082>, leluhurmu <01>, telah berpegang teguh <08104> pada segala <03605> amanatnya <04687>, dan telah bertindak <06213> selaras dengan semua <03605> yang <0834> diamanatkannya <06680> kepadamu.’ [<0834> <05921> <0853> <0853> <00>]
HEBREW: o <0853> Mkta <06680> hwu <0834> rsa <03605> lkk <06213> wvetw <04687> wytwum <03605> lk <0853> ta <08104> wrmstw <01> Mkyba <03082> bdnwhy <04687> twum <05921> le <08085> Mtems <0834> rsa <03282> Ney <03478> larvy <0430> yhla <06635> twabu <03068> hwhy <0559> rma <03541> hk <03414> whymry <0559> rma <07397> Mybkrh <01004> tyblw (35:18)
Jawa: Nanging Nabi Yeremia ngandika marang bani Rekhab: “Mangkene pangandikane Sang Yehuwah, Gustine kang sarwa dumadi, Gusti Allahe Israel: Sarehne sira padha ngestokake marang piwelinge Yonadab, leluhurira, ngukuhi marang sakehing piwelinge, lan tetep padha nglakoni kaya piwelinge marang sira,
Jawa 1994: Aku banjur nglantaraké marang kaum Rékhab pangandikané Pangéran Kang Mahakwasa, Allahé Israèl, mengkéné, "Sarèhné kowé wis padha mbangun-turut marang préntahé leluhurmu Yonadab, lan nglakoni sakèhé pituduhé marang kowé.
Sunda: Ti dinya kaula ngomong ka anak incu Rekab, yen PANGERAN Nu Maha Kawasa, Allah Israil ngandika kieu, "Maraneh satia kana amanat Yonadab karuhun maraneh. Sagala cegahanana ditarurut, sagala parentahna digumatikeun.
Madura: Sengko’ pas malae reng-oreng kaom Rekhab ja’ PANGERAN Se Mahakobasa, Allahna Isra’il, adhabu kantha reya, "Ba’na ta’at ka bangatowana, Yonadab; sakabbinna parentana bi’ ba’na etoro’ ban elakone.
Bali: Ida Sang Hyang Widi Wasa Ane Maha Kuasa, Widin Israele, ngandika malantaran tiang teken golongan Rehabe kene: “Kita suba magehang prentah ane uduhanga teken Yonadab leluur kitane, tur kita suba ninutin saananing prentahnyane, buina kita suba nglaksanayang sakancan ane uduhanga teken kita.
Bugis: Nainappa makkeda-Ka lao risining tau appanna Rékhab makkedaé PUWANG Iya Pommakuwasaé, Allataalana Israélié, makkeda makkuwaiyé, "Purano mapato lao ri toriyolomu Yonadab; sininna paréntana purani muturusi sibawa mupajoppa.
Makasar: Nampa kukana mae ri sikamma silokoanna Rekhab, angkanaya Batara Kaminang Koasaya, iamintu Allata’alana Israel, akkana kammai anne, "Mannuruki mako mae ri boe-boenu Yonadab; sikontu parentana nuturuki siagang nupajappa ngasemmi.
Toraja: Na lako bati’na Rekhab nakua Yeremia: Inde sia tu kadanNa PUANGna mintu’ ma’dandan maritik, Kapenombanna to Israel: Belanna mituru’ tu pepasanna Yonadab ambe’mi, sia mikaritutui tu mintu’ pepasanna sia mipogau’ tu mintu’ apa napasan lako kalemi,
Karo: Kenca bage kukataken man terpuk Rehab kai si nggo ikataken TUHAN si Mada Kuasa Dibata nu Israel, "Nggo ikutkenndu perentah si ibereken nini-ninindu Jonadap man bandu, nggo ikutkenndu kerina perentahna, dingen nggo ilakokenndu kerina si iperentahken man bandu.
Simalungun: Tapi bani ginompar ni si Rekab, nini si Jeremia ma, ʻSonon do hata ni Jahowa Zebaot, Naibata ni Israel: Halani itangihon hanima do tonah ni si Jonadab, ompungnima ai, anjaha idalankon hanima ganup tonahni, anjaha ibahen hanima ganup romban hu bani tinonahkonni bannima,
Toba: Alai anggo tu pinompar ni si Rekab didok si Jeremia do: Songon on do hata ni Jahowa Zebaot, Debata ni Israel: Ala na tinangihonmuna tona ni si Jonadab, amamuna i, jala diradoti hamu saluhut tonana, jala dipatupa hamu saluhut hombar tu na tinonahonna tu hamu.
NETBible: Then Jeremiah spoke to the Rechabite community, “The
NASB: Then Jeremiah said to the house of the Rechabites, "Thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, ‘Because you have obeyed the command of Jonadab your father, kept all his commands and done according to all that he commanded you;
HCSB: Jeremiah said to the house of the Rechabites: "This is what the LORD of Hosts, the God of Israel, says: 'Because you have obeyed the command of your ancestor Jonadab and have kept all his commands and have done all that he commanded you,
LEB: Then Jeremiah said to the family of Rechab, "This is what the LORD of Armies, the God of Israel, says: You obeyed the order of your ancestor Jonadab, followed all his instructions, and did exactly what he told you to do.
NIV: Then Jeremiah said to the family of the Recabites, "This is what the LORD Almighty, the God of Israel, says: ‘You have obeyed the command of your forefather Jonadab and have followed all his instructions and have done everything he ordered.’
ESV: But to the house of the Rechabites Jeremiah said, "Thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel: Because you have obeyed the command of Jonadab your father and kept all his precepts and done all that he commanded you,
NRSV: But to the house of the Rechabites Jeremiah said: Thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel: Because you have obeyed the command of your ancestor Jonadab, and kept all his precepts, and done all that he commanded you,
REB: To the Rechabites Jeremiah said: These are the words of the LORD of Hosts the God of Israel: Because you have kept the command of Jonadab your forefather, obeying all his instructions and carrying out all that he told you to do,
NKJV: And Jeremiah said to the house of the Rechabites, "Thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel: ‘Because you have obeyed the commandment of Jonadab your father, and kept all his precepts and done according to all that he commanded you,
KJV: And Jeremiah said unto the house of the Rechabites, Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Because ye have obeyed the commandment of Jonadab your father, and kept all his precepts, and done according unto all that he hath commanded you:
AMP: And Jeremiah said to the house of the Rechabites, Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: Because you have obeyed the command of Jonadab your father and have kept all his precepts and have done according to all that he commanded you,
NLT: Then Jeremiah turned to the Recabites and said, "This is what the LORD Almighty, the God of Israel, says: You have obeyed your ancestor Jehonadab in every respect, following all his instructions.
GNB: Then I told the Rechabite clan that the LORD Almighty, the God of Israel, had said, “You have obeyed the command that your ancestor Jonadab gave you; you have followed all his instructions, and you have done everything he commanded you.
ERV: Then Jeremiah said to the Recabite family, “This is what the LORD All-Powerful, the God of Israel, says: ‘You have obeyed the commands of your ancestor Jonadab. You have followed all of his teachings. You have done everything he commanded.’
BBE: But to the Rechabites Jeremiah said, This is what the Lord of armies, the God of Israel, has said: Because you have done the orders of Jonadab your father, and have kept his rules, and done everything as he gave you orders to do it;
MSG: Then, turning to the Recabite community, Jeremiah said, "And this is what GOD-of-the-Angel-Armies, the God of Israel, says to you: Because you have done what Jonadab your ancestor told you, obeyed his commands and followed through on his instructions,
CEV: Then the LORD told me to say to the Rechabite clan: I am the LORD All-Powerful, the God of Israel. You have obeyed your ancestor Jonadab,
CEVUK: Then the Lord told me to say to the Rechabite clan: I am the Lord All-Powerful, the God of Israel. You have obeyed your ancestor Jonadab,
GWV: Then Jeremiah said to the family of Rechab, "This is what the LORD of Armies, the God of Israel, says: You obeyed the order of your ancestor Jonadab, followed all his instructions, and did exactly what he told you to do.
KJV: And Jeremiah <03414> said <0559> (8804) unto the house <01004> of the Rechabites <07397>_, Thus saith <0559> (8804) the LORD <03068> of hosts <06635>_, the God <0430> of Israel <03478>_; Because ye have obeyed <08085> (8804) the commandment <04687> of Jonadab <03082> your father <01>_, and kept <08104> (8799) all his precepts <04687>_, and done <06213> (8799) according unto all that he hath commanded <06680> (8765) you:
NASB: Then Jeremiah<3414> said<559> to the house<1004> of the Rechabites<7397>, "Thus<3541> says<559> the LORD<3068> of hosts<6635>, the God<430> of Israel<3478>, 'Because<3282><834> you have obeyed<8085> the command<4687> of Jonadab<3082> your father<1>, kept<8104> all<3605> his commands<4687> and done<6213> according to all<3605> that he commanded<6680> you;
NET [draft] ITL: Then Jeremiah <03414> spoke <0559> to the Rechabite <07397> community <01004>, “The Lord <03068> God <0430> of Israel <03478> who rules over all <06635> says <0559>, ‘You have obeyed <08085> the orders <04687> of your ancestor <01> Jonadab <03082>. You have followed <08104> all <03605> his instructions <04687>. You have done <06213> exactly as <0834> he commanded <06680> you.’