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[VER] : [TORAJA]     [PL]  [PB] 
 <<  1 Samuel 5 : 8 >> 

Toraja: Iamoto anna ditambai ma’kombongan tu mintu’ arung kota to Filistin, anna ma’kada nakua: La tapatumbai tu pattinNa Kapenombanna to Israel? Mebalimi tu mintu’ arung nakua: Melo ke dipalelei tu pattinNa Kapenombanna to Israel, lako tondok Gat. Napalelemi tu pattinNa Kapenombanna to Israel.

AYT: Karena itu, mereka mengutus dan mengumpulkan semua raja kota orang Filistin dan berkata, “Apakah yang akan kita lakukan dengan Tabut Allah Israel ini?” Mereka menjawab, “Kita harus mengembalikan Tabut Allah Israel itu ke Gat.” Kemudian, mereka pun memindahkan Tabut Allah Israel itu.

TB: Sebab itu mereka memanggil berkumpul kepadanya semua raja kota orang Filistin dan berkata: "Apakah yang akan kita lakukan dengan tabut Allah Israel itu?" Lalu kata mereka: "Tabut Allah Israel harus dipindahkan ke Gat." Jadi mereka memindahkan tabut Allah Israel itu ke sana.

TL: Maka sebab itu disuruhkannya berhimpun kepadanya segala raja orang Filistin, lalu katanya: Patut kita pengapakan tabut Allah orang Israel? Maka sahut segala raja itu: Baiklah tabut Allah orang Israel itu dipindahkan ke negeri Gat. Lalu dipindahkannyalah tabut Allah orang Isreal itu ke Gat.

MILT: Maka mereka mengutus orang dan mengumpulkan semua pemimpin bangsa Filistin kepada mereka, serta berkata, "Kita harus berbuat apa terhadap tabut Allah (Elohim - 0430) dari bangsa Israel itu?" Dan mereka menjawab, "Biarlah tabut Allah (Elohim - 0430) bangsa Israel itu dibawa berkeliling ke Gat." Dan mereka membawa berkeliling tabut Allah (Elohim - 0430) bangsa Israel itu.

Shellabear 2010: Sebab itu mereka meminta agar semua raja kota orang Filistin dikumpulkan, lalu bertanya, “Apa yang harus kita lakukan dengan tabut Tuhan bani Israil ini?” Jawab mereka, “Pindahkan saja tabut Tuhan bani Israil itu ke Gat.” Lalu mereka memindahkan tabut perjanjian Tuhan bani Israil itu.

KS (Revisi Shellabear 2011): Sebab itu mereka meminta agar semua raja kota orang Filistin dikumpulkan, lalu bertanya, "Apa yang harus kita lakukan dengan tabut Tuhan bani Israil ini?" Jawab mereka, "Pindahkan saja tabut Tuhan bani Israil itu ke Gat." Lalu mereka memindahkan tabut perjanjian Tuhan bani Israil itu.

KSKK: Maka berkumpullah semua pemimpin dari seluruh kota-kota orang Filistin dan bertanya, "Apakah yang seharusnya kita buat dengan Tabut Allah Israel ini?" Mereka pun menjawab, "Sebaiknya Tabut Allah Israel dipindahkan saja ke Gat". Maka mereka memindahkan Tabut Allah Israel ke sana.

VMD: Mereka memanggil kelima penguasa Filistin berkumpul dan bertanya kepada mereka, “Apakah yang sebaiknya perlu kita lakukan dengan terhadap Suci Allah Israel?” Penguasa itu menjawab, “Pindahkan Kotak Kudus Allah Israel itu ke Gat.” Jadi, orang Filistin memindahkan Kotak Kudus Allah itu.

TSI: Maka penduduk Asdod mengirim pesan kepada kelima raja bangsa Filistin untuk berkumpul, dan menuntut mereka dengan berkata, “Kalian harus melakukan sesuatu dengan peti dewa Israel itu!” Sesudah para pemimpin mendiskusikan hal itu, mereka memutuskan, “Mari kita pindahkan peti itu ke Gat.” Kemudian mereka memindahkannya ke Gat.

BIS: Sebab itu mereka mengundang kelima raja Filistin supaya berkumpul, lalu bertanya, "Peti Perjanjian Allah Israel itu harus kita apakan?" Jawab raja-raja itu, "Pindahkanlah ke kota Gat." Jadi, peti itu dipindahkan ke kota Gat, sebuah kota Filistin yang lain.

TMV: Oleh itu mereka menjemput kelima-lima orang raja Filistin supaya berkumpul, lalu bertanya, "Apakah yang harus kita lakukan dengan Tabut Perjanjian Allah umat Israel itu?" Raja-raja itu menjawab, "Pindahkanlah Tabut itu ke kota Gat." Lalu Tabut itu dipindahkan ke Gat, sebuah kota Filistin yang lain.

FAYH: Karena itu, mereka memanggil para walikota dari kelima kota orang Filistin untuk merundingkan apa yang akan dilakukan mereka terhadap tabut Allah. Mereka memutuskan untuk memindahkannya ke Gat.

ENDE: Mereka menjuruh himpunkan para wali Felesjet pada mereka, lalu berkata: "Apakah jang harus kita perbuat dengan Peti Allah Israil?" Sahut mereka: "Peti Allah Israil harus dipindahkan ke Gat". Maka itu mereka memindahkan Peti Allah Israil.

Shellabear 1912: Sebab itu disuruhkannya beberapa orang dihimpunkannya segala penghulu orang Filistin serta berkata: "Kita pengapakankah tabut Tuhan orang Israel ini?" Maka jawabnya: "Biarlah tabut Tuhan orang Israel itu diarak sampai ke Gat." Lalu diaraknya tabut Tuhan orang Israel itu ke sana.

Leydekker Draft: Sebab 'itu marika 'itu menjuroh berkompol segala Panglima 'awrang Filistin 'itu datang kapadanja, dan 'ija kata; 'apatah kamij 'akan bowat dengan pitij 'Ilah 'awrang Jisra`ejl? maka 'awrang 'itu kata; bajiklah pitij 'Ilah 'awrang Jisra`ejl 'itu de`arakh kuliling DJat: maka de`arakhnja pitij 'Ilah 'awrang Jisra`ejl 'itu kuliling.

AVB: Oleh sebab itu, mereka meminta agar semua raja kota orang Filistin dikumpulkan, lalu bertanya, “Apakah yang harus kita lakukan dengan tabut Allah Israel ini?” Jawab mereka, “Pindahkan tabut Allah Israel itu ke Gat.” Lalu mereka memindahkan tabut Allah Israel itu.

TB ITL: Sebab itu mereka memanggil <07971> berkumpul <0622> kepadanya <0413> semua <03605> raja kota <05633> orang Filistin <06430> dan berkata <0559>: "Apakah <04100> yang akan kita lakukan <06213> dengan tabut <0727> Allah <0430> Israel <03478> itu?" Lalu kata <0559> mereka: "Tabut <0727> Allah <0430> Israel <03478> harus dipindahkan <05437> ke Gat <01661>." Jadi mereka memindahkan <05437> tabut <0727> Allah <0430> Israel <03478> itu ke sana.

Jawa: Mulane padha ngaturi para ratu kuthane wong Filisti sarta pangucape: “Punapa ingkang badhe kita lampahi tumrap pethinipun Gusti Allahipun Israel punika?” Wangsulane para ratu: “Pethine Gusti Allahe Israel kudu dielih menyang Gat.” Dadine padha ngelih pethine Gusti Allahe Israel mau.

Jawa 1994: Mulané wong-wong banjur padha ngaturi kumpul para raja Filistin lima cacahé, banjur matur, "Pethi Prejanjianipun tiyang Israèl menika kita menapakaken?" Wangsulané para raja mau, "Pindhahen menyang kutha Gat." Kelakon, Pethi mau dipindhah menyang kutha Gat, yakuwi kutha Filistin liyané.

Sunda: Ti dinya maranehna nitah ngalulungsur raja-raja Pelisti anu kabehna limaan, dipentaan nasehat, "Kedah dikumahakeun Peti Perjangjian Allahna urang Israil teh?" Jawabna, "Pindahkeun ka Gat!" Tuluy dipindahkeun ka Gat, kota sejen di Pelisti.

Madura: Daddi reng-oreng jareya makompol to-rato Filistin se kalema bannya’na, pas atanya, "Petthe Parjanjiyanna Allahna Isra’il ka’dhinto epakadiya ponapa?" Saodda to-rato jareya, "Alle ka kottha Gat." Daddi, Petthe jareya ealle ka Gat, settong kottha laenna e nagara Filistin.

Bali: Duaning asapunika ipun raris ngutus anak ngaturin pararatun wong Pilistine makalelima mangda paum saha kadulurin atur kadi asapuniki: “Jaga sapunapiang mangkin Peti Prajanjian Widin wong Israel puniki?” Pararatune punika sami pada mabaos asapuniki: “Peti Prajanjian Widin Israele ento patut kakisidang ka Gat.” Ipun raris ngisidang Peti Prajanjiane punika ka Gat, inggih punika kotan wong Pilistine sane lianan.

Bugis: Rimakkuwannanaro naobbini iya lima arung Filistingngé kuwammengngi naddeppungeng, nainappa makkutana, "Iyaro Petti Assijancinna PUWANG Allataalana Israélié harusu’i riyaga?" Nappébali iyaro sining arungngé, "Palétté’i ri kota Gat." Jaji, napalétté’ni iyaro pettié lao ri kota Gat, séddi kota Filistin iya laingngé.

Makasar: Jari nakio’mi ke’nanga limaya karaenna tu Filistin sollanna asse’re ke’nanga, nampa akkuta’nang ke’nanga angkana, "Laniapami anjo Patti ParjanjianNa Allata’alana tu Israel?" Appialimi anjo sikamma karaenga, angkana, "Paletteki mae ri kota Gat." Jari nipalette’mi anjo pattia mange ri kota Gat, se’reang kota Filistin maraengannaya.

Karo: Emaka isuruh pertenahen guna ndilo raja Pilisti si lima gelah pulung. Emaka isungkunna raja-raja e nina, "Uga nge perbanta nandangi Peti Perpadanen Dibata Israel?" "Pindahken ku Gat," nina ngaloisa. Emaka ibabana Peti e ku Gat, sada kota si deban i bas kalak Pilisti.

Simalungun: Dob ai isuruh sidea ma patumpuhon ganup raja ni halak Palistim, anjaha nini sidea ma, “Aha ma sibahenonta hu bani Poti ni Naibata ni halak Israel?” Nini sidea ma mambalosi, “Hu huta Gad ma na osor poti ni Naibata ni halak Israel ai.”

Toba: Dung i disuru nasida ma paluhuthon sude raja ni halak Palistim tu nasida, angka ninna nasida ma: Beha do bahenonnami taringot tu poti ni Debata ni halak Israel? Jadi ninna angka rajai ma mangalusi: Tu huta Gat ma pinaunsat poti ni Debata ni halak Israel. Jadi dipaunsat nasida ma poti ni Debata ni halak Israel tusi.

NETBible: So they assembled all the leaders of the Philistines and asked, “What should we do with the ark of the God of Israel?” They replied, “The ark of the God of Israel should be moved to Gath.” So they moved the ark of the God of Israel.

NASB: So they sent and gathered all the lords of the Philistines to them and said, "What shall we do with the ark of the God of Israel?" And they said, "Let the ark of the God of Israel be brought around to Gath." And they brought the ark of the God of Israel around.

HCSB: So they called all the Philistine rulers together and asked, "What should we do with the ark of Israel's God?" "The ark of Israel's God should be moved to Gath," they replied. So the men of Ashdod moved the ark.

LEB: The people of Ashdod called together all the Philistine rulers. "What should we do with the ark of the God of Israel?" they asked. "The ark of the God of Israel must be taken to Gath," the rulers said. So the people took the ark of the God of Israel there.

NIV: So they called together all the rulers of the Philistines and asked them, "What shall we do with the ark of the god of Israel?" They answered, "Have the ark of the god of Israel moved to Gath." So they moved the ark of the God of Israel.

ESV: So they sent and gathered together all the lords of the Philistines and said, "What shall we do with the ark of the God of Israel?" They answered, "Let the ark of the God of Israel be brought around to Gath." So they brought the ark of the God of Israel there.

NRSV: So they sent and gathered together all the lords of the Philistines, and said, "What shall we do with the ark of the God of Israel?" The inhabitants of Gath replied, "Let the ark of God be moved on to us." So they moved the ark of the God of Israel to Gath.

REB: When they called together all the Philistine lords to ask what should be done with the Ark, they were told, “Let the Ark of the God of Israel be taken across to Gath.” They moved it there,

NKJV: Therefore they sent and gathered to themselves all the lords of the Philistines, and said, "What shall we do with the ark of the God of Israel?" And they answered, "Let the ark of the God of Israel be carried away to Gath." So they carried the ark of the God of Israel away.

KJV: They sent therefore and gathered all the lords of the Philistines unto them, and said, What shall we do with the ark of the God of Israel? And they answered, Let the ark of the God of Israel be carried about unto Gath. And they carried the ark of the God of Israel about [thither].

AMP: So they sent and gathered all the lords of the Philistines to them and said, What shall we do with the ark of the God of Israel? They answered, Let [it] be carried around to Gath. So they carried the ark of the God of Israel there.

NLT: So they called together the rulers of the five Philistine cities and asked, "What should we do with the Ark of the God of Israel?" The rulers discussed it and replied, "Move it to the city of Gath." So they moved the Ark of the God of Israel to Gath.

GNB: So they sent messengers and called together all five of the Philistine kings and asked them, “What shall we do with the Covenant Box of the God of Israel?” “Take it over to Gath,” they answered; so they took it to Gath, another Philistine city.

ERV: The people of Ashdod called the five Philistine rulers together and asked them, “What must we do with the Holy Box of the God of Israel?” The rulers answered, “Move the Holy Box of the God of Israel to Gath.” So the Philistines moved God’s Holy Box.

BBE: So they sent for all the lords of the Philistines to come together there, and said, What are we to do with the ark of the God of Israel? And their answer was, Let the ark of the God of Israel be taken away to Gath. So they took the ark of the God of Israel away.

MSG: They called together all the Philistine leaders and put it to them: "How can we get rid of the chest of the god of Israel?" The leaders agreed: "Move it to Gath." So they moved the Chest of the God of Israel to Gath.

CEV: The people of Ashdod had all the Philistine rulers come to Ashdod, and they asked them, "What can we do with the sacred chest that belongs to the God of Israel?" "Send it to Gath," the rulers answered. But after they took it there,

CEVUK: The people of Ashdod called all the Philistine rulers to Ashdod, and they asked them, “What can we do with the sacred chest that belongs to the God of Israel?” “Send it to Gath,” the rulers answered. But after they took it there,

GWV: The people of Ashdod called together all the Philistine rulers. "What should we do with the ark of the God of Israel?" they asked. "The ark of the God of Israel must be taken to Gath," the rulers said. So the people took the ark of the God of Israel there.

NET [draft] ITL: So they assembled <0622> all <03605> the leaders <05633> of the Philistines <06430> and asked <0559>, “What <04100> should we do <06213> with the ark <0727> of the God <0430> of Israel <03478>?” They replied <0559>, “The ark <0727> of the God <0430> of Israel <03478> should be moved <05437> to Gath <01661>.” So they moved <05437> the ark <0727> of the God <0430> of Israel <03478>.

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 <<  1 Samuel 5 : 8 >> 

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