AYT: Janji-Mu sangat teruji, dan hamba-Mu mencintainya.
TB: Janji-Mu sangat teruji, dan hamba-Mu mencintainya.
TL: Bahwa firman-Mu itu telah diuji sangat, maka sebab itu hamba-Mu ini mengasihi akan dia.
MILT: Firman-Mu sangat murni, dan hamba-Mu menyukainya.
Shellabear 2010: Janji-Mu sangat teruji, sebab itu hamba-Mu mencintainya.
KS (Revisi Shellabear 2011): Janji-Mu sangat teruji, sebab itu hamba-Mu mencintainya.
KSZI: Janji-Mu sudah teruji, dan hamba-Mu mencintainya.
KSKK: Janji-janji-Mu telah teruji; oleh sebab itu hamba-hamba-Mu berharap.
VMD: Aku mencintai firman-Mu. Kebenarannya telah dibuktikan.
BIS: Janji-Mu teguh dan dapat dipercaya, aku sangat mencintainya.
TMV: Janji-Mu dapat dipercayai, aku sangat mencintainya.
FAYH: Aku telah menguji janji-janji-Mu dengan saksama dan itulah sebabnya aku sangat mengasihinya.
ENDE: SabdaMu amatlah terbesut, dan hambaMu kasih akan dia.
Shellabear 1912: Maka perkataan-Mu pun amat suci; sebab itu hamba-Mu ini mengasihi akan dia.
Leydekker Draft: Kalammu 'itu taperhalusij 'amat, dan hambamu birahij 'itu.
AVB: Janji-Mu sudah teruji, dan hamba-Mu mencintainya.
AYT ITL: Janji-Mu <0565> sangat <03966> teruji <06884>, dan hamba-Mu <05650> mencintainya <0157>.
TB ITL: Janji-Mu <0565> sangat <03966> teruji <06884>, dan hamba-Mu <05650> mencintainya <0157>.
TL ITL: Bahwa <06884> firman-Mu <0565> itu telah diuji <06884> sangat <03966>, maka sebab itu hamba-Mu <05650> ini mengasihi <0157> akan dia.
AVB ITL: Janji-Mu <0565> sudah teruji <06884>, dan hamba-Mu <05650> mencintainya <0157>. [<03966>]
HEBREW: <0157> hbha <05650> Kdbew <03966> dam <0565> Ktrma <06884> hpwru (119:140)
Jawa: Prasetya Paduka punika murni sanget, abdi Paduka remen sanget.
Jawa 1994: Janji Paduka menika mantep sanget, mila kawula géndholi saèstu.
Sunda: Jangji-jangji Gusti teh estu pasti, ka eta abdi teh cinta.
Madura: Janjiepon Junandalem koko sareng kengeng eparcaja, abdidalem ce’ estona ka janji gapaneka.
Bali: Ambate pasti janjin Palungguh IRatune. Ambate tresnan titiange ring janjine punika.
Bugis: Masse’i jancim-Mu sibawa wedding riyatepperi, upoji senna’i.
Makasar: Majarreki janjinTa nakkulle nipatappa’, sanna’ kungaina.
Toraja: Iatu kadamMi masallo’ tongan, iamoto anna kamali’i taumMi.
Karo: Andiko, seh kal teguhna PadanNdu, seh kal ateku jadina.
Simalungun: Pitah tumang do hata-Mu, holong do uhur ni juakjuak-Mu bani.
Toba: Na pinindan situtu do bagabagami, jadi holong roha ni naposom disi.
NETBible: Your word is absolutely pure, and your servant loves it!
NASB: Your word is very pure, Therefore Your servant loves it.
HCSB: Your word is completely pure, and Your servant loves it.
LEB: Your promise has been thoroughly tested, and I love it.
NIV: Your promises have been thoroughly tested, and your servant loves them.
ESV: Your promise is well tried, and your servant loves it.
NRSV: Your promise is well tried, and your servant loves it.
REB: Your promise has been well tested, and I love it, LORD.
NKJV: Your word is very pure; Therefore Your servant loves it.
KJV: Thy word [is] very pure: therefore thy servant loveth it.
AMP: Your word is very pure (tried and well refined); therefore Your servant loves it.
NLT: Your promises have been thoroughly tested; that is why I love them so much.
GNB: How certain your promise is! How I love it!
ERV: I love your word. Time and again it has been proven true.
BBE: Your word is of tested value; and it is dear to your servant.
MSG: Your promise has been tested through and through, and I, your servant, love it dearly.
CEV: Your word to me, your servant, is like pure gold; I treasure what you say.
CEVUK: Your word to me, your servant, is like pure gold; I treasure what you say.
GWV: Your promise has been thoroughly tested, and I love it.
KJV: Thy word <0565> [is] very <03966> pure <06884> (8803)_: therefore thy servant <05650> loveth <0157> (8804) it. {pure: Heb. tried, or, refined}
NASB: Your word<565> is very<3966> pure<6884>, Therefore Your servant<5650> loves<157> it.
NET [draft] ITL: Your word <0565> is absolutely <03966> pure <06884>, and your servant <05650> loves <0157> it!