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 <<  2 Raja-raja 23 : 6 >> 

BBE: And he took the Asherah from the house of the Lord, outside Jerusalem to the stream Kidron, burning it by the stream and crushing it to dust, and he put the dust on the place where the bodies of the common people were put to rest.

AYT: Yosia membawa tiang-tiang berhala keluar dari Bait TUHAN ke luar Yerusalem, yaitu ke Sungai Kidron. Dia membakarnya di Sungai Kidron, melumatkannya halus-halus menjadi abu dan melemparkan abunya ke atas kuburan rakyat jelata.

TB: Dibawanyalah tiang-tiang berhala dari rumah TUHAN ke luar kota Yerusalem, ke sungai Kidron, lalu dibakarnya di situ dan ditumbuknya halus-halus menjadi abu, kemudian dicampakkannyalah abunya ke atas kuburan rakyat jelata.

TL: Dan lagi disuruh baginda lalukan dari rumah Tuhan akan berhala hutan itu keluar dari Yeruzalem sampai ke anak sungai Kideron, lalu dibakarnya habis akan dia di tepi sungai Kideron dan dihancurluluhkannya dan ditaburkannya abunya kepada segala kubur orang hina dina.

MILT: Dan dia membawa patung Ashera dari bait TUHAN (YAHWEH - 03068) ke luar Yerusalem, ke sungai Kidron, dan dia membakarnya di sungai Kidron, dan melumatkannya menjadi abu, lalu melemparkan abunya ke atas kuburan anak-anak bangsa itu.

Shellabear 2010: Diangkutnya patung Dewi Asyera dari Bait ALLAH ke luar Yerusalem, ke Sungai Kidron, lalu dibakarnya di tepi Sungai Kidron. Setelah itu ditumbuknya menjadi debu, dan dicampakkannya debu itu ke atas kuburan rakyat jelata.

KS (Revisi Shellabear 2011): Diangkutnya patung Dewi Asyera dari Bait ALLAH ke luar Yerusalem, ke Sungai Kidron, lalu dibakarnya di tepi Sungai Kidron. Setelah itu ditumbuknya menjadi debu, dan dicampakkannya debu itu ke atas kuburan rakyat jelata.

KSKK: Tiang Suci yang terdapat dalam Rumah Yahweh dikeluarkan dari Yerusalem dan dibawa ke kali Kidron, di mana tiang itu dibakar dan abunya dibuang ke pekuburan umum.

VMD: Yosia memindahkan tiang Asyera dari Bait TUHAN dan membawanya ke luar kota ke Lembah Kidron dan membakarnya di sana. Ia menumbuk bagian yang terbakar itu sehingga menjadi abu dan menaburkannya ke atas kuburan rakyat biasa.

BIS: Patung Dewi Asyera dikeluarkannya dari Rumah TUHAN, dan dibawa ke luar kota ke Lembah Kidron. Di sana patung itu dibakar, lalu arangnya ditumbuk halus-halus, dan abunya dihamburkan ke atas pekuburan umum.

TMV: Raja Yosia mengeluarkan lambang Dewi Asyera dari Rumah TUHAN, lalu membawanya ke luar kota, ke Lembah Kidron untuk dibakar. Kemudian arangnya ditumbuk sehingga menjadi abu, lalu dihamburkan di perkuburan awam.

FAYH: Kemudian raja mengeluarkan tiang-tiang berhala Dewi Asyera yang menjijikkan itu dari Bait Allah dan membawanya ke Sungai Kidron. Di situ ia membakar patung itu dan menghancurkannya menjadi abu. Abunya dibuang ke pekuburan umum.

ENDE: Ia mengeluarkan Asjera dari dalam Rumah Jahwe keluar dari Jerusjalem kelembah Kidron. Ia membakarnja dilembah Kidron serta menjerbuknja dan debunja dibuangnja diatas pekuburan rakjat djelata.

Shellabear 1912: Maka dikeluarkan baginda Asirah itu dari dalam rumah Allah keluar negri Yerusalem ke anak sungai Kidron dibakar di tepi anak sungai Kidron itu ditumbuknya menjadi serbuk dicampakkannya serbuk itu kepada segala kubur orang hina dina.

Leydekker Draft: Lagi dekaluwarkannja patong hutan-hutanan deri dalam khobah Huwa sampej diluwar Jerusjalejm, kapada sejrokan KHidrawn, lain detunukannja 'itu didalam pahakh KHidrawn, dan depudikannja 'itu mendjadi duli, dan detjampakhkannja dulinja 'itu ka`atas khubur 'anakh-anakh khawm 'itu.

AVB: Diangkutnya patung Asyera dari Bait TUHAN ke luar Yerusalem, ke Sungai Kidron, lalu dibakarnya di tepi Sungai Kidron. Setelah itu, ditumbuknya menjadi debu, dan dicampakkannya debu itu ke atas kuburan rakyat jelata.

TB ITL: Dibawanyalah <03318> tiang-tiang berhala <0842> dari rumah <01004> TUHAN <03068> ke luar <02351> kota Yerusalem <03389>, ke <0413> sungai <05158> Kidron <06939>, lalu dibakarnya <08313> di situ <06939> dan ditumbuknya halus-halus <01854> menjadi abu <06083>, kemudian dicampakkannyalah <07993> abunya <06083> ke atas <05921> kuburan <06913> rakyat <05971> jelata <01121>. [<05158>]

Jawa: Tugu-tugu brahala padha diwetokake saka ing padalemaning Sang Yehuwah, saka ing kutha Yerusalem, digawa menyang ing kali Kidron padha diobong ana ing kono lan diejur-ejur nganti lembut dadi awu sarta banjur kabuwang ana ing pakuburaning rakyat lumrah.

Jawa 1994: Recané Dèwi Asyéra iya diwetokaké saka Pedalemané Allah lan digawa menyang sanjabané kutha, ing Lembah Kidron. Ana ing kono reca mau diobong, arengé diejur-ejur lan awuné dibuwang ing kuburan umum.

Sunda: Arca Dewi Asera dikaluarkeun ti Bait Allah tuluy diduruk di Lebak Kidron luareun kota, lebuna dibebek nepi ka lembut tuluy dipiceun diawur-awur ka pakuburan umum.

Madura: Arcana Dewi Asyera epakalowar dhari Padalemman Socce, egiba ka lowar kottha ka Cora Kidron. E jadhiya arca jareya eobbar, arengnga etoto epaalos, abuna etabur ka attassa koburan omom.

Bali: Ida ngingsirang arcan Dewi Aserane saking Perhyangan Agunge kamedalang saking kota kabakta ka Lebak Kidrone. Irika arcane katunjel, kintuk kantos dados abu tumuli kasambehang ring setrane.

Bugis: Napassuni dato-dato’na Déwi Asyéra polé ri Bolana PUWANGNGE, naritiwi ri saliweng kota ri Lompo Kidron. Kuwaniro ritunu iyaro dato-dato’é, nainappa ritettu osinna gangka manenné, na awunna riyassiyamporengngi ri yasé’na akkuburukeng samaé.

Makasar: Patunna Dewi Asyera napasuluki battu ri Balla’Na Batara, nampa naerang assulu’ ri pantaranna kotaya, mange ri Ka’bung Lappara’ Kidron. Anjoreng nitunumi anjo patunga, nampa nidengka sa’genna alusu’ cumi’na, siagang nipakioro’ auna irate ri pa’jerakkang tujaia.

Toraja: Sia napatassu’ duka datu tu lentong kayu dipodeata lan mai banuanNa PUANG lako salianna Yerusalem, lako salu’-salu’ Kidron, sia natunu dio biring salu’-salu’ Kidron sia nanisak-nisak nadadi au, namane ussamboranni dio to’ lamunanna to kamban.

Karo: Ipedaratna i bas Rumah Pertoton nari gambar Dewi Asera. Ibabana ku Baluren Kidron i darat kota, icilukna, igilingna jadi abu, jenari icaburkenna ku kuburen jelma si nterem.

Simalungun: Anjaha ipadarat ma Ashera ai hun bani Rumah ni Jahowa, hu darat ni Jerusalem, hu habungan ni Bah Kidron, lanjar itutung ma ai i habungan ni Bah Kidron, anjaha isaburhon ma abuanni ai hu tanoman ni halak simbuei.

Toba: Didokkon rajai huhut paruaron ganaganaan Asera sian joro ni Jahowa tu balian ni Jerusalem, tu rura ni sunge Kidron, laos ditutung do i di rura ni Kidron, jala digopui gabe sirabun, jala sirabunna i disaburhon do tu tanoman ni halak situan na torop i.

NETBible: He removed the Asherah pole from the Lord’s temple and took it outside Jerusalem to the Kidron Valley, where he burned it. He smashed it to dust and then threw the dust in the public graveyard.

NASB: He brought out the Asherah from the house of the LORD outside Jerusalem to the brook Kidron, and burned it at the brook Kidron, and ground it to dust, and threw its dust on the graves of the common people.

HCSB: He brought out the Asherah pole from the LORD's temple to the Kidron Valley outside Jerusalem. He burned it at the Kidron Valley, beat it to dust, and threw its dust on the graves of the common people.

LEB: He took the pole dedicated to the goddess Asherah from the temple to the Kidron Valley outside Jerusalem. He burned it in the Kidron Valley, ground it to dust, and threw its ashes on the tombs of the common people.

NIV: He took the Asherah pole from the temple of the LORD to the Kidron Valley outside Jerusalem and burned it there. He ground it to powder and scattered the dust over the graves of the common people.

ESV: And he brought out the Asherah from the house of the LORD, outside Jerusalem, to the brook Kidron, and burned it at the brook Kidron and beat it to dust and cast the dust of it upon the graves of the common people.

NRSV: He brought out the image of Asherah from the house of the LORD, outside Jerusalem, to the Wadi Kidron, burned it at the Wadi Kidron, beat it to dust and threw the dust of it upon the graves of the common people.

REB: He took the Asherah from the house of the LORD to the wadi of the Kidron outside Jerusalem, burnt it there, and pounded it to dust, which was then scattered over the common burial-ground.

NKJV: And he brought out the wooden image from the house of the LORD, to the Brook Kidron outside Jerusalem, burned it at the Brook Kidron and ground it to ashes, and threw its ashes on the graves of the common people.

KJV: And he brought out the grove from the house of the LORD, without Jerusalem, unto the brook Kidron, and burned it at the brook Kidron, and stamped [it] small to powder, and cast the powder thereof upon the graves of the children of the people.

AMP: And Josiah brought the Asherah from the house of the Lord to outside Jerusalem to the brook Kidron and burned it there, and beat it to dust and cast its dust upon the graves of the common people [who had sacrificed to it].

NLT: The king removed the Asherah pole from the LORD’s Temple and took it outside Jerusalem to the Kidron Valley, where he burned it. Then he ground the pole to dust and threw the dust in the public cemetery.

GNB: He removed from the Temple the symbol of the goddess Asherah, took it out of the city to Kidron Valley, burned it, pounded its ashes to dust, and scattered it over the public burying ground.

ERV: Josiah removed the Asherah pole from the LORD'S Temple. He took the Asherah pole outside the city to the Kidron Valley and burned it there. Then he beat the burned pieces into dust and scattered the dust over the graves of the common people.

MSG: He took the obscene phallic Asherah pole from The Temple of GOD to the Valley of Kidron outside Jerusalem, burned it up, then ground up the ashes and scattered them in the cemetery.

CEV: Josiah had the sacred pole for Asherah brought out of the temple and taken to Kidron Valley, where it was burned. He then had its ashes ground into dust and scattered over the public cemetery there.

CEVUK: Josiah had the sacred pole for Asherah brought out of the temple and taken to Kidron Valley, where it was burnt. He then had its ashes ground into dust and scattered over the public cemetery there.

GWV: He took the pole dedicated to the goddess Asherah from the temple to the Kidron Valley outside Jerusalem. He burned it in the Kidron Valley, ground it to dust, and threw its ashes on the tombs of the common people.

NET [draft] ITL: He removed <03318> the Asherah pole <0842> from the Lord’s <03068> temple <01004> and took it outside <02351> Jerusalem <03389> to <0413> the Kidron <06939> Valley <05158>, where he burned <08313> it. He smashed <01854> it to dust <06083> and then threw <07993> the <0853> dust <06083> in <05921> the public <05971> <01121> graveyard <06913>.

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