Alkitab Mobile SABDA
[VER] : [JAWA]     [PL]  [PB] 
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Jawa: Sawuse mangkono imam njupuka sampile wedhus lanang kang ngarep, kang wus kaolah, karo roti bunder siji tanpa ragi saka ing cething lan roti tipis tanpa ragi, padha katumpangna ing epek-epeke wong nazir kang wus nyukur rambuting kanazirane;

AYT: Kemudian, imam harus meletakkan bahu kambing jantan yang telah direbus, sepotong roti tidak beragi dari keranjang tadi, dan sepotong roti tipis yang tidak beragi ke telapak tangan nazir itu setelah dia mencukur rambut pengabdiannya.

TB: Imam haruslah mengambil paha depan domba jantan itu, sesudah dimasak, dan satu roti bundar yang tidak beragi dari dalam bakul, dengan satu roti tipis yang tidak beragi, lalu meletakkannya ke atas telapak tangan orang nazir itu, setelah orang ini mencukur rambut kenazirannya;

TL: Maka hendaklah diambil imam dari pada domba jantan itu satu paha yang di hadapan serta yang sudah direbus dan sebuah apam fatir dari dalam rantang itu dan sebuah roti mentah, maka hendaklah diletakkannya di atas kedua tapak tangan orang nazir itu setelah sudah dicukurnya rambut nazirnya.

MILT: Dan imam itu haruslah mengambil bahu domba jantan yang sudah dimasak itu, dan satu buah roti tidak beragi dari keranjang, dan satu buah roti tipis yang tidak beragi, dan haruslah dia meletakkannya di telapak tangan orang nazir itu setelah dia mencukur kepala kenazirannya.

Shellabear 2010: Imam harus mengambil bahu domba jantan yang sudah direbus, satu kue tak beragi dari dalam bakul, dan satu kue tipis tak beragi, lalu meletakkannya di telapak tangan nazir setelah ia mencukur rambut kepala tanda kenazirannya.

KS (Revisi Shellabear 2011): Imam harus mengambil bahu domba jantan yang sudah direbus, satu kue tak beragi dari dalam bakul, dan satu kue tipis tak beragi, lalu meletakkannya di telapak tangan nazir setelah ia mencukur rambut kepala tanda kenazirannya.

KSKK: Imam harus mengambil paha depan domba jantan, segera setelah menjadi masak, dengan roti tak beragi dari keranjang, dan satu lempeng roti yang tak beragi. Ia harus meletakkan di atas telapak tangan orang Nazir yang baru mencukur rambutnya.

VMD: Setelah orang yang bernazar memotong rambutnya, imam memberikan kepada mereka bahu domba jantan yang direbus, sepotong roti besar, dan roti tipis dari keranjang. Kedua roti itu tidak beragi.

BIS: Setelah itu, kalau paha depan domba jantan itu sudah dimasak, imam harus mengambilnya dan meletakkannya bersama-sama dengan satu roti bulat dan satu kue tipis dari bakul itu, ke dalam tangan orang nazir itu.

TMV: Selepas itu, imam akan mengambil kaki depan domba jantan yang sudah direbus, seketul roti tebal dan seketul roti tipis dari bakul itu, lalu meletakkan semuanya ke dalam tangan orang Nazir itu.

FAYH: Setelah rambut orang itu dicukur, imam harus mengambil paha depan anak domba yang telah dibakar, sebuah roti bundar yang dibuat tanpa ragi, dan sebuah roti tipis yang juga tanpa ragi, dan meletakkan semuanya di telapak tangan orang itu.

ENDE: Hendaklah imam itu mengambil pundak domba djantan itu, setelah direbus, dan djuga sebidji roti tak beragi dari bakul itu; dan sebidji roti lempeng tak beragi; kesemuanja itu harus ditaruhnja ditelapak si nazir setelah ia mentjukur rambut kenazirannja.

Shellabear 1912: Maka hendaklah imam itu mengambil bahu domba jantan yang sudah direbus itu dan sebiji apam yang tiada beragi dari dalam bakul itu dan sebiji penganan yang tiada beragi lalu dibubuhnya pada tapak tangan orang yang bernadar itu kemudian dari pada dicukurnya kepalanya yang tanda ia diasingkan itu.

Leydekker Draft: Komedijen 'Imam 'akan meng`ambil deri pada domba djantan 'itu sawatu paha hadapan jang derabus, dan sawatu djaradikh fathir deri dalam karandjang, dan sawatu 'awpah fathir, debubohnja 'itu di`atas kaduwa tapakh tangan 'awrang nadzir 'itu, komedijen deri pada sudah habis tertjukor rambot pertapa`annja 'itu.

AVB: Hendaklah imam mengambil bahu domba jantan yang sudah direbus, sebiji kuih tidak beragi dari dalam bakul, dan sekeping roti tipis tidak beragi, lalu meletakkannya di telapak tangan penazar setelah dia mencukur rambut kepala yang menandakan dirinya sebagai penazar itu.

TB ITL: Imam <03548> haruslah mengambil <03947> paha depan <02220> domba jantan <0352> itu, sesudah dimasak <01311>, dan satu <0259> roti bundar <02471> yang tidak beragi <04682> dari <04480> dalam bakul <05536>, dengan satu <0259> roti tipis <07550> yang tidak beragi <04682>, lalu meletakkannya <05414> ke atas <05921> telapak tangan <03709> orang nazir <05139> itu, setelah <0310> orang ini mencukur <01548> rambut kenazirannya <05145>; [<04480>]

Jawa 1994: Sawisé mengkono, samasa sampilé wedhus lanang sing ngarep wis diolah, banjur dijupuk déning imam, disèlèhaké ing tanggané nasir mau, karo roti bunder siji lan roti tipis siji saka wakul mau.

Sunda: Pingping hareup domba tea ku imam kudu dikulub, tuluy jait sina ditampanan ku eta Nasir jeung rotina anu kandel sasiki, anu ipis sasiki, tina karanjang.

Madura: Saellana jareya, imam ngala’ pokang adha’na dumba lake’na se la eola, laju esaba’ ka tanangnga oreng nazir jareya etoro’e roti se kandel sarta jajan se dhari cettheng gella’ settong ebang.

Bali: Rikala paan biri-birine muani sane malablab punika sampun rateng, sang pandita patut ngambil paan biri-birine sane ring arep punika, tur kagenahang ring liman anake sane dados anak nasir punika, saha kadagingin roti bunter asiki miwah sanganan asiki, sane saking kranjangipune.

Bugis: Purairo, rékko purani rinasu poppang yolona bimbala laiéro, harusu’i nala imangngé sibawa palénne’i silaong séddi roti lébu sibawa séddi béppa manipi polé ri bakuéro, ri laleng limanna tau nazir-éro.

Makasar: Le’baki anjo, punna le’ba’mi nipallu bongga ri dallekanna anjo gimbala’ lakia, musti naallei imanga anjo nampa napadongko’ siagang sibatu roti a’bo’dong siagang sibatu kanrejawa nipisi’ battu ri anjo bakuka, antama’ ri limanna anjo tau attinjaka.

Toraja: La naala to minaa tu sepak dolona domba laki iato, tu mangka ditollo’ sia misa’ deppa tang diragii lan mai baka, sia misa’ deppa manipi’ tang diragii, anna parokkoi pala’na to nasirinNa Puang Matua, ke mangkami naku’ku’i tu beluak tanda nasirinNa Puang Matua.

Karo: Kenca bage, tupung paha si arah lebe bajar biri-biri ndai nggo itasakken, arus ibuat imam, jenari itamakenna radu ras sada roti si mekapal ras sada roti si menipes si i bas keranjang ndai ku bas tan kalak nasir ndai.

Simalungun: Anjaha buaton ni malim ai ma hae-hae lobei ni biribiri tunggal ai, anggo domma ilompah, ambahni ai sada kuei na so niigaran, anjaha inahkon ma ai hu tangan ni halak Nasir ai haduasi, dob isuhur jambulan hanasironni ai.

Toba: Dung i buaton ni malim i ma sian birubiru tunggal i hae jolo naung nilompa i dohot sada sagusagu na so niasoman sian hirang i dohot sada timpatimpa na so niasoman jala ampehononna do i tu tangan ni halak Nasir i duansa, dung ginorbanganna obuk ni hanasironna.

NETBible: And the priest must take the boiled shoulder of the ram, one cake made without yeast from the basket, and one wafer made without yeast, and put them on the hands of the Nazirite after he has shaved his consecrated head;

NASB: ‘The priest shall take the ram’s shoulder when it has been boiled, and one unleavened cake out of the basket and one unleavened wafer, and shall put them on the hands of the Nazirite after he has shaved his dedicated hair.

HCSB: The priest is to take the boiled shoulder from the ram, one unleavened cake from the basket, and one unleavened wafer, and put them into the hands of the Nazirite after he has shaved his consecrated head.

LEB: "Then the priest will take one of the shoulders from a boiled ram, one ring of unleavened bread from the basket, and one wafer of unleavened bread and hand them to the Nazirites after they have shaved off their hair.

NIV: "‘After the Nazirite has shaved off the hair of his dedication, the priest is to place in his hands a boiled shoulder of the ram, and a cake and a wafer from the basket, both made without yeast.

ESV: And the priest shall take the shoulder of the ram, when it is boiled, and one unleavened loaf out of the basket and one unleavened wafer, and shall put them on the hands of the Nazirite, after he has shaved the hair of his consecration,

NRSV: The priest shall take the shoulder of the ram, when it is boiled, and one unleavened cake out of the basket, and one unleavened wafer, and shall put them in the palms of the nazirites, after they have shaved the consecrated head.

REB: The priest will take the shoulder of the ram, after boiling it, and take also one unleavened loaf from the basket and one unleavened wafer, and put them on the palms of the Nazirite's hands, his hair which had been dedicated having been shaved.

NKJV: ‘And the priest shall take the boiled shoulder of the ram, one unleavened cake from the basket, and one unleavened wafer, and put them upon the hands of the Nazirite after he has shaved his consecrated hair ,

KJV: And the priest shall take the sodden shoulder of the ram, and one unleavened cake out of the basket, and one unleavened wafer, and shall put [them] upon the hands of the Nazarite, after [the hair of] his separation is shaven:

AMP: And the priest shall take the boiled shoulder of the ram, and one unleavened cake out of the basket, and one unleavened wafer and shall put them upon the hands of the Nazirite, after he has shaven the hair of his separation {and} abstinence.

NLT: After each Nazirite’s head has been shaved, the priest will take for each of them the boiled shoulder of the ram, one cake made without yeast, and one wafer made without yeast, and put them all into the Nazirite’s hands.

GNB: Then, when the shoulder of the ram is boiled, the priest shall take it and put it, together with one thick loaf of bread and one thin cake from the basket, into the hands of the nazirite.

ERV: “After the Nazirites have cut off their hair, the priest will give them a boiled shoulder from the ram and a large and a small cake from the basket. Both of these cakes are made without yeast.

BBE: And the priest will take the cooked leg of the sheep and one unleavened cake and one thin cake out of the basket, and put them on the hands of the separate one after his hair has been cut,

MSG: "After you have shaved the hair of your consecration, the priest will take a shoulder from the ram, boiled, and a piece of unraised bread and a cracker from the basket and place them in your hands.

CEV: Once the meat from the ram's shoulder has been boiled, the priest will take it, along with one loaf of bread and one wafer brushed with oil, and give them to you.

CEVUK: Once the meat from the ram's shoulder has been boiled, the priest will take it, along with one loaf of bread and one wafer brushed with oil, and give them to you.

GWV: "Then the priest will take one of the shoulders from a boiled ram, one ring of unleavened bread from the basket, and one wafer of unleavened bread and hand them to the Nazirites after they have shaved off their hair.

NET [draft] ITL: And the priest <03548> must take <03947> the boiled <01311> shoulder <02220> of the ram <0352>, one <0259> cake <02471> made without yeast <04682> from <04480> the basket <05536>, and one <0259> wafer <07550> made without yeast <04682>, and put <05414> them on <05921> the hands <03709> of the Nazirite <05139> after <0310> he has shaved <01548> his consecrated <05145> head;

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