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 <<  Matius 22 >> 

1Jesus<2424> spoke<3004> to them again<3825> in parables<3850>, saying<3004>,

2"The kingdom<932> of heaven<3772> may be compared<3666> to a king<444><935> who<3748> gave<4160> a wedding<1062> feast<1062> for his son<5207>.

3"And he sent<649> out his slaves<1401> to call<2564> those<3588> who had been invited<2564> to the wedding<1062> feast<1062>, and they were unwilling<3756><2309> to come<2064>.

4"Again<3825> he sent<649> out other<243> slaves<1401> saying<3004>, 'Tell<3004> those<3588> who have been invited<2564>, "Behold<2400>, I have prepared<2090> my dinner<712>; my oxen<5022> and my fattened<4619> livestock<4619> are all butchered<2380> and everything<3956> is ready<2092>; come<1205> to the wedding<1062> feast<1062>."'

5"But they paid<272> no<272> attention<272> and went<565> their way<565>, one<3739> to his own<2398> farm<68>, another<3739><1161> to his business<1171>,

6and the rest<3062> seized<2902> his slaves<1401> and mistreated<5195> them and killed<615> them.

7"But the king<935> was enraged<3710>, and he sent<3992> his armies<4753> and destroyed<622> those<1565> murderers<5406> and set<1705> their city<4172> on fire<1705>.

8"Then<5119> he *said<3004> to his slaves<1401>, 'The wedding<1062> is ready<2092>, but those<3588> who were invited<2564> were not worthy<514>.

9'Go<4198> therefore<3767> to the main<1327> highways<3598>, and as many<3745> as you find<2147> there, invite<2564> to the wedding<1062> feast<1062>.'

10"Those<1565> slaves<1401> went<1831> out into the streets<3598> and gathered<4863> together<4863> all<3956> they found<2147>, both<5037> evil<4190> and good<18>; and the wedding<3567> hall<3567> was filled<4092> with dinner<345> guests<345>.

11"But when the king<935> came<1525> in to look<2300> over<2300> the dinner<345> guests<345>, he saw<3708> a man<444> there<1563> who was not dressed<1746> in wedding<1062> clothes<1742>,

12and he *said<3004> to him, 'Friend<2083>, how<4459> did you come<1525> in here<5602> without<3361><2192> wedding<1062> clothes<1742>?' And the man was speechless<5392>.

13"Then<5119> the king<935> said<3004> to the servants<1249>, 'Bind<1210> him hand<5495> and foot<4228>, and throw<1544> him into the outer<1857> darkness<4655>; in that place<1563> there<1563> will be weeping<2805> and gnashing<1030> of teeth<3599>.'

14"For many<4183> are called<2822>, but few<3641> are chosen<1588>."

15Then<5119> the Pharisees<5330> went<4198> and plotted<4824> together<4824> how<3704> they might trap<3802> Him in what He said<3056>.

16And they *sent<649> their disciples<3101> to Him, along with the Herodians<2265>, saying<3004>, "Teacher<1320>, we know<3609> that You are truthful<227> and teach<1321> the way<3598> of God<2316> in truth<225>, and defer<3199> to no<3762> one<3762>; for You are not partial<991><4383> to any<3762>.

17"Tell<3004> us then<3767>, what<5101> do You think<1380>? Is it lawful<1832> to give<1325> a poll-tax<2778> to Caesar<2541>, or<2228> not?"

18But Jesus<2424> perceived<1097> their malice<4189>, and said<3004>, "Why<5101> are you testing<3985> Me, you hypocrites<5273>?

19"Show<1925> Me the coin<3546> used for the poll-tax<2778>." And they brought<4374> Him a denarius<1220>.

20And He *said<3004> to them, "Whose<5101> likeness<1504> and inscription<1923> is this<3778>?"

21They *said<3004> to Him, "Caesar's<2541>." Then<5119> He *said<3004> to them, "Then<3767> render<591> to Caesar<2541> the things that are Caesar's<2541>; and to God<2316> the things that are God's<2316>."

22And hearing<191> this, they were amazed<2296>, and leaving<863> Him, they went<565> away<565>.

23On that day<2250> some Sadducees<4523> (who say<3004> there is no<3361> resurrection<386>) came<4334> to Jesus and questioned<1905> Him,

24asking<3004>, "Teacher<1320>, Moses<3475> said<3004>, 'IF<1437> A MAN<5100> DIES<599> HAVING<2192> NO<3361> CHILDREN<5043>, HIS BROTHER<80> AS NEXT OF KIN SHALL MARRY<1918> HIS WIFE<1135>, AND RAISE<450> UP CHILDREN<5043> FOR HIS BROTHER<80>.'

25"Now<1161> there were seven<2033> brothers<80> with us; and the first<4413> married<1060> and died<5053>, and having<2192> no<3361> children<4690> left<863> his wife<1135> to his brother<80>;

26so<3668> also<2532> the second<1208>, and the third<5154>, down<2193> to the seventh<2033>.

27"Last<5305> of all<3956>, the woman<1135> died<599>.

28"In the resurrection<386>, therefore<3767>, whose<5101> wife<1135> of the seven<2033> will she be? For they all<3956> had<2192> married her."

29But Jesus<2424> answered<611> and said<3004> to them, "You are mistaken<4105>, not understanding<3609> the Scriptures<1124> nor<3366> the power<1411> of God<2316>.

30"For in the resurrection<386> they neither<3777> marry<1060> nor<3777> are given<1061> in marriage<1061>, but are like<5613> angels<32> in heaven<3772>.

31"But regarding<4012> the resurrection<386> of the dead<3498>, have you not read<314> what<3588> was spoken<3004> to you by God<2316>:

32'I AM<1510> THE GOD<2316> OF ABRAHAM<11>, AND THE GOD<2316> OF ISAAC<2464>, AND THE GOD<2316> OF JACOB<2384>'? He is not the God<2316> of the dead<3498> but of the living<2198>."

33When the crowds<3793> heard<191> this, they were astonished<1605> at His teaching<1322>.

34But when the Pharisees<5330> heard<191> that Jesus had silenced<5392> the Sadducees<4523>, they gathered<4863> themselves together<1909><3588><846>.

35One<1520> of them, a lawyer<3544>, asked<1905> Him a question, testing<3985> Him,

36"Teacher<1320>, which<4169> is the great<3173> commandment<1785> in the Law<3551>?"

37And He said<5346> to him, " 'YOU SHALL LOVE<25> THE LORD<2962> YOUR GOD<2316> WITH ALL<3650> YOUR HEART<2588>, AND WITH ALL<3650> YOUR SOUL<5590>, AND WITH ALL<3650> YOUR MIND<1271>.'

38"This<3778> is the great<3173> and foremost<4413> commandment<1785>.

39"The second<1208> is like<3664> it, 'YOU SHALL LOVE<25> YOUR NEIGHBOR<4139> AS YOURSELF<4572>.'

40"On these<3778> two<1417> commandments<1785> depend<2910> the whole<3650> Law<3551> and the Prophets<4396>."

41Now<1161> while the Pharisees<5330> were gathered<4863> together<4863>, Jesus<2424> asked<1905> them a question<1905>:

42"What<5101> do you think<1380> about<4012> the Christ<5547>, whose<5101> son<5207> is He?" They *said<3004> to Him, "The son of David<1160>."

43He *said<3004> to them, "Then<3767> how<4459> does David<1160> in the Spirit<4151> call<2564> Him 'Lord<2962>,' saying<3004>,

44'THE LORD<2962> SAID<3004> TO MY LORD<2962>, "SIT<2521> AT MY RIGHT<1188> HAND<1188>, UNTIL<2193> I PUT<5087> YOUR ENEMIES<2190> BENEATH<5270> YOUR FEET<4228>"'?

45"If<1487> David<1160> then<3767> calls<2564> Him 'Lord<2962>,' how<4459> is He his son<5207>?"

46No<3762> one<3762> was able<1410> to answer<611> Him a word<3056>, nor<3761> did anyone<5100> dare<5111> from that day<2250> on to ask<1905> Him another<3765> question<1905>.

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 <<  Matius 22 >> 

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