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 <<  Yeremia 49 : 35 >> 

NETBible: The Lord who rules over all said, “I will kill all the archers of Elam, who are the chief source of her military might.

AYT: Beginilah firman TUHAN semesta alam, “Ketahuilah, Aku akan mematahkan busur Elam, pokok kekuatan mereka.

TB: Beginilah firman TUHAN semesta alam: "Sesungguhnya, Aku mematahkan busur Elam, yakni inti kekuatannya.

TL: Demikianlah firman Tuhan semesta alam sekalian: Bahwasanya Aku akan mematahkan busur Elam dan hulu kuatnyapun.

MILT: "Beginilah TUHAN (YAHWEH - 03068) semesta alam (Tsebaot - 06635) berfirman: Lihatlah Aku akan mematahkan busur Elam, pangkal kekuatan mereka.

Shellabear 2010: “Beginilah firman ALLAH, Tuhan semesta alam: Sesungguhnya, Aku akan mematahkan busur Elam, kekuatannya yang utama.

KS (Revisi Shellabear 2011): "Beginilah firman ALLAH, Tuhan semesta alam: Sesungguhnya, Aku akan mematahkan busur Elam, kekuatannya yang utama.

KSKK: Beginilah sabda Tuhan semesta alam, "Lihatlah, Aku akan mematahkan busur Elam, senjata utama kekuatan mereka.

VMD: TUHAN Yang Mahakuasa mengatakan, “Aku segera membinasakan busur Elam. Itulah senjata Elam yang terkuat.

BIS: TUHAN berkata, "Aku akan membunuh semua ahli memanah yang membuat Elam sangat kuat.

TMV: Dia berfirman, "Aku akan membunuh semua anggota pasukan pemanah Elam, kerana merekalah yang menjadikan Elam sangat kuat.

FAYH: TUHAN semesta alam berfirman, "Aku akan mematahkan busur Elam, kekuatan yang sangat diandalkannya. Segenap bala tentaranya akan hancur,

ENDE: Demikianlah Jahwe Balatentara bersabda: Sesungguhnja, busur 'Elam Kupatahkan, inti perkasaannja.

Shellabear 1912: Yaitu demikianlah firman Allah Tuhan segala tentara: "Bahwa Aku akan mematahkan panah Elam yaitu kuasanya yang terutama.

Leydekker Draft: Demikijen baferman Huwa Tuhan serwa sakalijen szalam; bahuwa sasonggohnja 'aku 'akan pitjahkan busor Xejlam, hulu gagahnja 'itu

AVB: “Beginilah firman TUHAN alam semesta: Sesungguhnya, Aku akan mematahkan busur Elam, kekuatannya yang utama.

AYT ITL: Beginilah <03541> firman <0559> TUHAN <03068> semesta alam <06635>, “Ketahuilah <02005>, Aku akan mematahkan <07665> busur <07198> Elam <05867>, pokok <07225> kekuatan <01369> mereka. [<0853>]

TB ITL: Beginilah <03541> firman <0559> TUHAN <03068> semesta alam <06635>: "Sesungguhnya <02005>, Aku mematahkan <07665> busur <07198> Elam <05867>, yakni inti <07225> kekuatannya <01369>.

TL ITL: Demikianlah <03541> firman <0559> Tuhan <03068> semesta alam sekalian <06635>: Bahwasanya <02005> Aku akan mematahkan <07665> busur <07198> Elam <05867> dan hulu <07225> kuatnyapun <01369>.

AVB ITL: “Beginilah <03541> firman <0559> TUHAN <03068> alam semesta <06635>: Sesungguhnya <02005>, Aku akan mematahkan <07665> busur <07198> Elam <05867>, kekuatannya <01369> yang utama <07225>. [<0853>]

HEBREW: <01369> Mtrwbg <07225> tysar <05867> Mlye <07198> tsq <0853> ta <07665> rbs <02005> ynnh <06635> twabu <03068> hwhy <0559> rma <03541> hk (49:35)

Jawa: Mangkene pangandikane Sang Yehuwah, Gustining kang sarwa dumadi: “Lah Ingsun mutung gandhewane Elam, yaiku bakune kakuwatane.

Jawa 1994: "Wong sing padha pinter manah ing Élam, sing ndadèkaké negara iki gedhé pangwasané, bakal Dakpatèni kabèh.

Sunda: Kieu dawuhana-Na, "Pasukan gondewa nu jadi inti kakuatan nagri Elam, ku Kami rek dibasmi.

Madura: Dhabuna PANGERAN, "Reng-oreng ahli ngocol pana se makowat nagara Elam bi’ Sengko’ epateyana kabbi.

Bali: Sapuniki pangandikan Idane: “Ulun lakar ngamatiang sawatek juru panahe ane suba ngranayang Elam dadi kuat.

Bugis: Makkedai PUWANGNGE, "Maélo-Ka mpuno manengngi sininna ahli mappanaé iya mébbuéngngi Elang mawatang senna.

Makasar: Nakana Batara, "LaKubunoi sikontu tau cara’deka ammake sanjata pana, tau kassa’na Elam.

Toraja: Nakua kadanNa PUANGna mintu’ ma’dandan maritik: Tonganna la Kule’to tu panana Elam, tu oto’na kamatotoranna.

Karo: Nina, "Kubunuh me kerina kalak Elam si beluh manah, si erbahanca negeri e seh paguhna.

Simalungun: Sonon do hata ni Jahowa Zebaot, “Tonggor ma, ponggolhonon-Ku do sior ni Elam, panguntu ni hagogohon ni sidea.

Toba: Songon on do hata ni Jahowa Zebaot: Ida ma, ahu ma mamonggolhon sior ni Elam, situan ni hagogoonnasida.

NASB: "Thus says the LORD of hosts, ‘Behold, I am going to break the bow of Elam, The finest of their might.

HCSB: This is what the LORD of Hosts says: I am about to shatter Elam's bow, the source of their might.

LEB: This is what the LORD of Armies says: I’m going to break the bows of Elam’s archers, the most important weapon of their strength.

NIV: This is what the LORD Almighty says: "See, I will break the bow of Elam, the mainstay of their might.

ESV: Thus says the LORD of hosts: "Behold, I will break the bow of Elam, the mainstay of their might.

NRSV: Thus says the LORD of hosts: I am going to break the bow of Elam, the mainstay of their might;

REB: Thus says the LORD of Hosts: I shall break the bow of Elam, the chief weapon of their might;

NKJV: "Thus says the LORD of hosts: ‘Behold, I will break the bow of Elam, The foremost of their might.

KJV: Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Behold, I will break the bow of Elam, the chief of their might.

AMP: Thus says the Lord of hosts: Behold, I will break the bow of Elam, the chief [weapon and part] of their strength.

NLT: This is what the LORD Almighty says: "I will destroy the archers of Elam––the best of their marksmen.

GNB: He said, “I will kill all the archers who have made Elam so powerful.

ERV: The LORD All-Powerful says, “I will break Elam’s bow very soon. It is Elam’s strongest weapon.

BBE: This is what the Lord of armies has said: See, I will have the bow of Elam, their chief strength, broken.

MSG: This is what GOD-of-the-Angel-Armies says: "Watch this! I'll break Elam's bow, her weapon of choice, across my knee.

CEV: (49:34)

CEVUK: (49:34)

GWV: This is what the LORD of Armies says: I’m going to break the bows of Elam’s archers, the most important weapon of their strength.

KJV: Thus saith <0559> (8804) the LORD <03068> of hosts <06635>_; Behold, I will break <07665> (8799) the bow <07198> of Elam <05867>_, the chief <07225> of their might <01369>_.

NASB: "Thus<3541> says<559> the LORD<3068> of hosts<6635>, 'Behold<2009>, I am going to break<7665> the bow<7198> of Elam<5867>, The finest<7225> of their might<1369>.

NET [draft] ITL: The Lord <03068> who rules over all <06635> said <0559>, “I will kill <07665> all the archers <07198> of Elam <05867>, who are the chief source <07225> of her military might <01369>.

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 <<  Yeremia 49 : 35 >> 

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