Shellabear 1912: Maka bumipun gempalah sebab bunyi reruntuhan maka ada suatu teriak yang kedengaran bunyinya sampai ke laut Kolzom.
AYT: Bumi berguncang karena suara kejatuhan mereka. Suara tangisan mereka terdengar di Laut Merah.
TB: Bumi akan goncang karena bunyi jatuhnya mereka; teriakan mereka akan terdengar bunyinya di Laut Teberau.
TL: Dari pada bunyi jatuhnya bergempalah bumi, maka bunyi teriaknya kedengaranlah sampai ke laut Kolzom.
MILT: "Bumi berguncang karena suara kejatuhan mereka. Ketika mereka berseru, suaranya terdengar di laut Suf.
Shellabear 2010: Bumi guncang karena bunyi kejatuhan mereka. Bunyi teriakannya terdengar di Laut Merah.
KS (Revisi Shellabear 2011): Bumi guncang karena bunyi kejatuhan mereka. Bunyi teriakannya terdengar di Laut Merah.
KSKK: Bumi akan berguncang oleh bunyi mereka jatuh; suara jeritan mereka akan bergema sampai ke laut Teberau.
VMD: Bumi akan bergoncang akibat suara kejatuhan mereka, suara tangisan mereka akan terdengar sepanjang Laut Merah.
BIS: Apabila Edom jatuh, akan terdengar keributan yang begitu hebat sehingga seluruh dunia goncang; teriakan-teriakan penduduknya akan terdengar sampai ke Laut Gelagah.
TMV: Apabila Edom jatuh, bunyinya begitu kuat sehingga seluruh bumi goncang, dan teriakan penduduknya akan terdengar sampai ke Teluk Akaba.
FAYH: "Bumi akan bergetar karena jatuhnya Edom; tangisan orang akan terdengar jauh sampai ke Laut Teberau (Laut Merah).
ENDE: Oleh karena kabar djatuhnja, gemetarlah bumi, djeritannja terdengar sampai ke Laut Merah.
Leydekker Draft: Bumi sudah gompah deri karana bunji karontohannja: deri karana terijakh, jang bunjinja sudah kadengaran pada lawut KHolzum.
AVB: Bumi gempa kerana bunyi kejatuhan mereka. Bunyi teriakannya terdengar di Laut Merah.
AYT ITL: Bumi <0776> berguncang <07493> karena suara <06963> kejatuhan <05307> mereka. Suara <06963> tangisan <06818> mereka terdengar <08085> di Laut <03220> Merah <05488>.
TB ITL: Bumi <0776> akan goncang <07493> karena bunyi <06963> jatuhnya <05307> mereka; teriakan <06818> mereka akan terdengar <08085> bunyinya <06963> di Laut <03220> Teberau <05488>.
TL ITL: Dari pada bunyi <06963> jatuhnya <05307> bergempalah <07493> bumi <0776>, maka bunyi <06963> teriaknya <06818> kedengaranlah <08085> sampai ke laut <03220> Kolzom <05488>.
AVB ITL: Bumi <0776> gempa <07493> kerana bunyi <06963> kejatuhan <05307> mereka. Bunyi <06963> teriakannya <06818> terdengar <08085> di Laut <03220> Merah <05488>.
HEBREW: <06963> hlwq <08085> emsn <05488> Pwo <03220> Myb <06818> hqeu <0776> Urah <07493> hser <05307> Mlpn <06963> lwqm (49:21)
Jawa: Bumi bakal horeg marga saka swarane tibane; panjerite keprungu nganti tekan ing sagara Teberau.
Jawa 1994: Yèn Édom ambruk, swarané ngoregaké bumi, lan sambaté bakal keprungu tekan Teluk Akaba.
Sunda: Upama Edom geus rugrug, sorana gumuruh matak oyag jagat, tingjareritna kadenge ka nu jarauh nepi ka Teluk Akaba.
Madura: Mon Edom la gaggar, oreng bakal ngedhinga sowara se talebat baridhu sampe’ sadunnya agundhek kabbi; cerrengnga pandhudhu’na bakal ekaedhinga sampe’ ka Tase’ Galagas.
Bali: Dikalane Edom kalah, ditu lakar ada ribut gede kanti gumine makejang magejeran tur jeritannyane lakar kadingehan nganteg ka Pasih Glagah.
Bugis: Rékko sempé’i Edom, riyéngkalingai matu rukka iya masero senna’é angkanna taggottang sininna linoé; gora-gorana pabbanuwana riyéngkalingai matu lettu ri Tasi Gelaga.
Makasar: Punna tu’guruki Edom, lania’ kalangngerang karicuang sannaka lompona sa’genna ta’goccang sikontu linoa; sa’ra-sa’ra pakkio’na pandudu’na lakalangngerangi sa’genna mange ri Tamparang Alara’.
Toraja: Iate lino tigega’ napobua’ oni katibambanganna sia iatu urrukna dirangi sae lako tasik Teberau.
Karo: Tupung Edom ndabuh, terbegi me sora si megang seh maka kerina doni enda mugur-ugur. Sorana serko terbegi me seh ku Teluk Akaba.
Simalungun: Halani sora ni pardabuh ni sidea dugur do tanoh on; tarbogei do doruh-doruh ni sidea ronsi laut arung.
Toba: Sian soara ni pardoburnasida pola humuntal tano on; tarbege do soara angguhanggukna tolhas ro di laut arung.
NETBible: The people of the earth will quake when they hear of their downfall. Their cries of anguish will be heard all the way to the Gulf of Aqaba.
NASB: The earth has quaked at the noise of their downfall. There is an outcry! The noise of it has been heard at the Red Sea.
HCSB: At the sound of their fall the earth will quake; the sound of her cry will be heard at the Red Sea.
LEB: The earth will quake at the sound of their downfall. The sound of their crying will be heard at the Red Sea.
NIV: At the sound of their fall the earth will tremble; their cry will resound to the Red Sea.
ESV: At the sound of their fall the earth shall tremble; the sound of their cry shall be heard at the Red Sea.
NRSV: At the sound of their fall the earth shall tremble; the sound of their cry shall be heard at the Red Sea.
REB: At the sound of their downfall the land quakes; it cries out, and the sound is heard at the Red Sea.
NKJV: The earth shakes at the noise of their fall; At the cry its noise is heard at the Red Sea.
KJV: The earth is moved at the noise of their fall, at the cry the noise thereof was heard in the Red sea.
AMP: At the sound of their fall the earth shall tremble; at their crying the sound shall be heard at the Red Sea.
NLT: The earth will shake with the noise of Edom’s fall, and its cry of despair will be heard all the way to the Red Sea.
GNB: When Edom falls, there will be such a noise that the entire earth will shake, and the cries of alarm will be heard as far away as the Gulf of Aqaba.
ERV: At the sound of Edom’s fall, the earth will shake. Their cry will be heard all the way to the Red Sea.
BBE: The earth is shaking with the noise of their fall; their cry is sounding in the Red Sea.
MSG: The very earth will shudder because of their cries, cries of anguish heard at the distant Red Sea.
CEV: The sounds of your destruction will reach the Red Sea and cause the earth to shake.
CEVUK: The sounds of your destruction will reach the Red Sea and cause the earth to shake.
GWV: The earth will quake at the sound of their downfall. The sound of their crying will be heard at the Red Sea.
KJV: The earth <0776> is moved <07493> (8804) at the noise <06963> of their fall <05307> (8800)_, at the cry <06818> the noise <06963> thereof was heard <08085> (8738) in the Red <05488> sea <03220>_. {Red sea: Heb. Weedy sea}
NASB: The earth<776> has quaked<7493> at the noise<6963> of their downfall<5307>. There is an outcry<6818>! The noise<6963> of it has been heard<8085> at the Red<5488><3220> Sea<3220>.
NET [draft] ITL: The people of the earth <0776> will quake <07493> when they hear <06963> of their downfall <05307>. Their cries <06818> of anguish <06963> will be heard <08085> all the way to the Gulf <03220> of Aqaba <05488>.