1When Jesus saw<3708> the crowds<3793>, He went<305> up on the mountain<3735>; and after He sat<2523> down<2523>, His disciples<3101> came<4334> to Him.
2He opened<455> His mouth<4750> and began to teach<1321> them, saying<3004>,
3"Blessed<3107> are the poor<4434> in spirit<4151>, for theirs<846> is the kingdom<932> of heaven<3772>.
4"Blessed<3107> are those<3588> who mourn<3996>, for they shall be comforted<3870>.
5"Blessed<3107> are the gentle<4239>, for they shall inherit<2816> the earth<1093>.
6"Blessed<3107> are those<3588> who hunger<3983> and thirst<1372> for righteousness<1343>, for they shall be satisfied<5526>.
7"Blessed<3107> are the merciful<1655>, for they shall receive<1653> mercy<1653>.
8"Blessed<3107> are the pure<2513> in heart<2588>, for they shall see<3708> God<2316>.
9"Blessed<3107> are the peacemakers<1518>, for they shall be called<2564> sons<5207> of God<2316>.
10"Blessed<3107> are those<3588> who have been persecuted<1377> for the sake<1752> of righteousness<1343>, for theirs<846> is the kingdom<932> of heaven<3772>.
11"Blessed<3107> are you when<3752> people insult<3679> you and persecute<1377> you, and falsely<5574> say<3004> all<3956> kinds<3956> of evil<4190> against<2596> you because<1752> of Me.
12"Rejoice<5463> and be glad<21>, for your reward<3408> in heaven<3772> is great<4183>; for in the same<3779> way<3779> they persecuted<1377> the prophets<4396> who were before<4253> you.
13"You are the salt<217> of the earth<1093>; but if<1437> the salt<217> has become<3471> tasteless<3471>, how<1722><5101> can it be made<233> salty<233> again? It is no<3762> longer<2089> good<2480> for anything<3762>, except<1508> to be thrown<906> out and trampled<2662> under<2662> foot<2662> by men<444>.
14"You are the light<5457> of the world<2889>. A city<4172> set<2749> on a hill<3735> cannot<1410><3756> be hidden<2928>;
15nor<3761> does anyone light<2545> a lamp<3088> and put<5087> it under<5259> a basket<3426>, but on the lampstand<3087>, and it gives<2989> light<2989> to all<3956> who are in the house<3614>.
16"Let your light<5457> shine<2989> before<1715> men<444> in such<3779> a way<3779> that they may see<3708> your good<2570> works<2041>, and glorify<1392> your Father<3962> who is in heaven<3772>.
17"Do not think<3543> that I came<2064> to abolish<2647> the Law<3551> or<2228> the Prophets<4396>; I did not come<2064> to abolish<2647> but to fulfill<4137>.
18"For truly<281> I say<3004> to you, until<2193> heaven<3772> and earth<1093> pass<3928> away<3928>, not the smallest<1520> letter<2503> or<2228> stroke<2762> shall pass<3928> from the Law<3551> until<2193> all<3956> is accomplished<1096>.
19"Whoever<3739><1437> then<3767> annuls<3089> one<1520> of the least<1646> of these<3778> commandments<1785>, and teaches<1321> others<444> to do the same<3779>, shall be called<2564> least<1646> in the kingdom<932> of heaven<3772>; but whoever<3739><302> keeps<4160> and teaches<1321> them, he shall be called<2564> great<3173> in the kingdom<932> of heaven<3772>.
20"For I say<3004> to you that unless<1437><3361> your righteousness<1343> surpasses<4052> that of the scribes<1122> and Pharisees<5330>, you will not enter<1525> the kingdom<932> of heaven<3772>.
21"You have heard<191> that the ancients<744> were told<3004>, 'YOU SHALL NOT COMMIT<5407> MURDER<5407>' and 'Whoever<3739><302> commits<5407> murder<5407> shall be liable<1777> to the court<2920>.'
22"But I say<3004> to you that everyone<3956> who is angry<3710> with his brother<80> shall be guilty<1777> before the court<2920>; and whoever<3739><302> says<3004> to his brother<80>, 'You good-for-nothing<4469>,' shall be guilty<1777> before the supreme<4892> court<4892>; and whoever<3739><302> says<3004>, 'You fool<3474>,' shall be guilty<1777> enough to go into the fiery<4442> hell<1067>.
23"Therefore<3767> if<1437> you are presenting<4374> your offering<1435> at the altar<2379>, and there<2546> remember<3403> that your brother<80> has<2192> something<5100> against<2596> you,
24leave<863> your offering<1435> there<1563> before<1715> the altar<2379> and go<5217>; first<4413> be reconciled<1259> to your brother<80>, and then<5119> come<2064> and present<4374> your offering<1435>.
25"Make<2132> friends<2132> quickly<5035> with your opponent<476> at law<476> while<2193> you are with him on the way<3598>, so<3379> that your opponent<476> may not hand<3860> you over to the judge<2923>, and the judge<2923> to the officer<5257>, and you be thrown<906> into prison<5438>.
26"Truly<281> I say<3004> to you, you will not come<1831> out of there<1564> until<2193> you have paid<591> up the last<2078> cent<2835>.
27"You have heard<191> that it was said<3004>, 'YOU SHALL NOT COMMIT<3431> ADULTERY<3431>';
28but I say<3004> to you that everyone<3956> who looks<991> at a woman<1135> with lust<1937> for her has already<2235> committed<3431> adultery<3431> with her in his heart<2588>.
29"If<1487> your right<1188> eye<3788> makes<4624> you stumble<4624>, tear<1807> it out and throw<906> it from you; for it is better<4851> for you to lose<622> one<1520> of the parts<3196> of your body, than<2532><3361> for your whole<3650> body<4983> to be thrown<906> into hell<1067>.
30"If<1487> your right<1188> hand<5495> makes<4624> you stumble<4624>, cut<1581> it off<1581> and throw<906> it from you; for it is better<4851> for you to lose one<1520> of the parts<3196> of your body, than<2532><3361> for your whole<3650> body<4983> to go<565> into hell<1067>.
31"It was said<3004>, 'WHOEVER<3739><302> SENDS<630> HIS WIFE<1135> AWAY<630>, LET HIM GIVE<1325> HER A CERTIFICATE<647> OF DIVORCE<647>';
32but I say<3004> to you that everyone<3956> who divorces<630> his wife<1135>, except<3924> for the reason<3056> of unchastity<4202>, makes<4160> her commit<3431> adultery<3431>; and whoever<3739><1437> marries<1060> a divorced<630> woman<1135> commits<3429> adultery<3429>.
33"Again<3825>, you have heard<191> that the ancients<744> were told<3004>, 'YOU SHALL NOT MAKE<1964> FALSE<1964> VOWS<1964>, BUT SHALL FULFILL<591> YOUR VOWS<3727> TO THE LORD<2962>.'
34"But I say<3004> to you, make<3660> no<3361> oath<3660> at all<3654>, either<3383> by heaven<3772>, for it is the throne<2362> of God<2316>,
35or<3383> by the earth<1093>, for it is the footstool<5286> of His feet<4228>, or<3383> by Jerusalem<2414>, for it is THE CITY<4172> OF THE GREAT<3173> KING<935>.
36"Nor<3383> shall you make<3660> an oath<3660> by your head<2776>, for you cannot<1410><3756> make<4160> one<1520> hair<2359> white<3022> or<2228> black<3189>.
37"But let your statement<3056> be, 'Yes<3483>, yes<3483>' or 'No<3756>, no<3756>'; anything beyond<4053> these<3778> is of evil<4190>.
38"You have heard<191> that it was said<3004>, 'AN EYE<3788> FOR AN EYE<3788>, AND A TOOTH<3599> FOR A TOOTH<3599>.'
39"But I say<3004> to you, do not resist<436> an evil<4190> person; but whoever<3748> slaps<4474> you on your right<1188> cheek<4600>, turn<4762> the other<243> to him also<2532>.
40"If anyone wants<2309> to sue<2919> you and take<2983> your shirt<5509>, let<863> him have<863> your coat<2440> also<2532>.
41"Whoever<3748> forces<29> you to go one<1520> mile<3400>, go<5217> with him two<1417>.
42"Give<1325> to him who asks<154> of you, and do not turn<654> away<654> from him who wants<2309> to borrow<1155> from you.
43"You have heard<191> that it was said<3004>, 'YOU SHALL LOVE<25> YOUR NEIGHBOR<4139> and hate<3404> your enemy<2190>.'
44"But I say<3004> to you, love<25> your enemies<2190> and pray<4336> for those<3588> who persecute<1377> you,
45so<3704> that you may be sons<5207> of your Father<3962> who<3588> is in heaven<3772>; for He causes<393> His sun<2246> to rise<393> on the evil<4190> and the good<18>, and sends<1026> rain<1026> on the righteous<1342> and the unrighteous<94>.
46"For if<1437> you love<25> those<3588> who love<25> you, what<5101> reward<3408> do<4160> you have<2192>? Do not even<2532> the tax<5057> collectors<5057> do<4160> the same<846>?
47"If<1437> you greet<782> only<3440> your brothers<80>, what<5101> more<4053> are you doing<4160> than others? Do not even<2532> the Gentiles<1482> do<4160> the same<846>?
48"Therefore<3767> you are to be perfect<5046>, as your heavenly<3770> Father<3962> is perfect<5046>.
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